Economic Burden of Sand Dredging on Artisanal Fishing Survey 2014
First round
Name | Country code |
Nigeria | NGA |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
This Agricultural Survey was carried out for the first time in year 2014.
Environmental degradation has continued to pose threat to the sustainability of Africa's natural resources endowment. Increasing demand for sand for construction purposes and the supply gap created by dredging on land has made river/sea sand dredging a major threat to aquatic habitat and artisanal. The importance of artisanal fishing as a source of animal protein and means of livelihood cannot be over emphasized bearing in mind particularly the high level of unemployment in Nigeria.
It is therefore imperative to determine the economic burden of sand dredging on the artisanal fishing using cross-sectional data collected through structured questionnaires from Ikorodu and Epe local government areas of Lagos state. The survey intends to identify the sand dredging and non-dredging fishing sites. The survey is aimed at comparing fish production per day, distance covered (km), labor-hour utilized per kg of fish caught and cost and returns of fishermen in sand dredging and non-dredging areas of study.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Vesion 01: Edited anonymous dataset for public distribution.
The scope of the survey includes the following:
Section A: Socioeconomic characteristics
Section B: Fishing as an occupation
Section C: Sand dredging
Section D: Cost of fishing
Section E: Returns on artisanal fishing
Section F: Constraint to artisanal fishing
Topic |
Land (policy, resource management) |
Environment |
Food (production, crisis) |
Lagos state
Ikorodu Local Government
Epe Local Government
Individual artisanal fishing follks
Name |
University of Ibadan |
Name | Affiliation |
Fatai Abiola Sowunmi | University of Ibadan |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Bello Abeeb Adetunji | University of Ibadan | Collection of data |
Abayomi Hiqmat Durowoju | University of Ibadan | Collection and entering of Data in excel sheet |
Olushola O. Oladipupo | University of Ibadan | Collection and entering of Data in excel sheet |
Data were collected using two-stage sampling technique (purposive and simple random). The two Local Government Areas (LGAs) as well as the nine communities that spread across the two LGAs were purposively selected because they are known for artisanal fishing.
The nine fishing communities sampled in the two LGAs are Oreta, Majidun, Itoikin, Ofin, Bayeku, Ijede, Ejinrin, Elubo and Iponmi via Agura Gberigbe. These communities are not only known for fishing but also for intensive sand dredging which provides sand for construction firms. In the second stage fifty (50) respondents were randomly selected from each of the nine fishing communities.
A total of 450 questionnaires that addressed the objective of the study were administered while 332 were returned.
No deviation
The response rate was approximately 74%
(A total of 450 questionnaires that addressed the objective of the study were administered while 332 were returned).
No weight
The questionnaire is divided into six (6) sections:
Section A: Socioeconomic characteristics
Section B: Fishing as an occupation
Section C: Sand dredging
Section D: Cost of fishing
Section E: Returns on artisanal fishing
Section F: Constraint to artisanal fishing
Start | End |
2014-05-02 | 2014-05-28 |
Name | Affiliation |
Bello Abeeb Adetunji | University of Ibadan |
Abayomi Hiqmat Durowoju | University of Ibadan(Student 300Level then) |
Olushola O. Oladipupo | University of Ibadan (Student 300Level then) |
Bello Abeeb Adetunji played a dual role of supervisor and data collector while Fatai Abiola Sowunmi served as overall supervisor.
The three enumerators were given abridged training on how to interact with the fishermen, how to ask sensitive questions and mode of dressing and the necessary safety precations.
The enumerators were told to record only the quantities of fish caught that were weighed in their presence by respondents. The data collection lasted for 26days; from 2nd May, 2014 - 28th May, 2014.
The questionnaire was structured in English but interpreted in local dialet (Yoruba) to the illiterate respondents only. Each enumerator spent an average of 19 minutes per respondent (4hrs per day, 26days). In addition, data on average price per kilogramme of fish in the major fish market in each of the fishing communities were noted.
Manual editing was carried out to remove duplicated questionnaires. Also removed were questionnaires that respondents failed to provide answers to key questions on the quantity of fish caught, the cost items, the status of the location (whether sand dredging is taking placeor not), fishing hours per day among others. Questionnaires that filled with ambiguous data such as falsified quantity of fish caught per day were removed.
Microsoft Excel was used for data entering. Data editing took place during data entering and structure checking and completeness.
No sampling error
No other form of data appraisal
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Dr. Fatai Abiola Sowunmi | University of Ibadan | | |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
University of Ibadan. Nigeria - Economic Burden of Sand Dredging on Artisanal Fishing Survey (EBSDAFS) 2014, Ref. NGA_2014_EBSDAFS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [url] on [date]
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(C) 2015, University of Ibadan
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Dr. Fatai Abiola Sowunmi | University of Ibadan | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
University of Ibadan | Federal Government of Nigeria | Dcumentation of the study |
Vesion 01 (September 2020) is identical to the DDI found on, except study IDs have been changed to meet WB standards and minor grammatical changes have been made in various fields.