Data file |
Identification data
Identification data for the finance and insurance survey for year 2011
Employment and Employees Remunerations
Employment and employees remunerations covering persons engaged and their compensations.
Production Input
Production Input contains:
- Work uniform - Disposable tools, - Stationery, etc. |
Other output expenses
Production expenditures contains services offered by others for the establishment.
Various payments and transfers
Various payments includes the payments and remittances of establishment.
Examples: Rent of land, interests on loans |
Indirect Fees and Taxes
Taxes on Production and Fees contain taxes and fees paid by the establishment, whether inside or outside the Palestinian territories.
Banking Sector
Banking sector covers all comercial and islamic banks, other credit institutions and Palestine Monetary Authority which calculate Output from Principal Activity.
Insurance corporations |
Stock Market
Stock market cover Palestine Exchange and Stock Market Brokers which calculate Output from Principal Activity
Revenue from Commercial and Services
Revenues of services rendered to others and revenue of auxiliary activity of establishment.
Various transfers and revenues
Various Transfers and Revenues contents of different_income\ Internal, different_income\ External. Of Rent of buildings, Royalties, etc.
Portfolio investment
Portfolio Investment data cover investments in the intermediation sector and includes both two sides financial and non financial assets.
Data about establishment assets
Fixed Assets contains all Types of fixed assets
- Example: Land, residential buildings, non-residential buildings, machines, equipment & devices, etc. and book value at the beginning of the year of these types & depreciation during the year of these types. |