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Showing 601-630 of 1283
Journal Article
Coady, David, Paul Dorosh, and Bart Minten.
Evaluating alternative policy responses to higher world food prices: The case of increasing rice prices in Madagascar
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91, no. 3 (2009): 711-722.
Working Paper
Byambajav, Enkh-Amgalan, and Terukazu Suruga.
Effects of Regional Income and Educational Differentials on Migration and Regional Convergence
(2010) GSICS Working Paper Series No. 23.
Journal Article
Chaudhury, Nazmul, and Dilip Parajuli.
Conditional Cash Transfers and Female Schooling: The Impact of the Female School Stipend Programme on Public School Enrolments in Punjab, Pakistan
Applied Economics 42, no. 28 (2008): 3565-3583.
Strauss, J, K Beegle, A Dwiyanto, Y Herawati, D Pattinasarany, E Satriawan, B Sikoki, and F Witoelar.
Indonesian living standards: before and after the financial crisis.
: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004.
Journal Article
Inter-generational family support provided by older people in Indonesia
Ageing and Society 24, no. 04 (2004): 497-530.
Working Paper
Chen, Dandan.
Vocational schooling, labor market outcomes, and college entry
Journal Article
Eshetu A, Amogne.
Does women education matters in family planning? empirical evidences from Ethiopia
Wudpecker Journal of Educational Research 3, no. 2 (2014): 10-22.
Journal Article
Schoder-Butterfill, Elisabeth, and Philip Kreager.
Actual and de facto childlessness in old age: evidence and implications from East Java, Indonesia
Population and development review 31, no. 1 (2005): 19-55.
Journal Article
Khan, Atta U, Abdul Saboor, Abid Hussain, Shumaila Sadiq, and Abdul Q Mohsin.
Poverty Assessment as a Multidimensional Socio-Economic Concept: The Case of the Rawalpindi Region in Pakistan
(2014) Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development.
Journal Article
Gayawan, Ezra, Ekundayo D Arogundade, and Samson B Adebayo.
A Bayesian multinomial modeling of spatial pattern of co-morbidity of malaria and non-malarial febrile illness among young children in Nigeria
(2014) Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Journal Article
Okorie, Patricia N, George O Ademowo, Yisa Saka, Emmanuel Davies, Chukwu Okoronkwo, Moses J Bockarie, David H Molyneux, and Louise A Kelly-Hope.
Lymphatic Filariasis in Nigeria; Micro-stratification Overlap Mapping (MOM) as a Prerequisite for Cost-Effective Resource Utilization in Control and Surveillance
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 7, no. 9 (2013).
Journal Article
Onyeneho G, Nkechi.
Sleeping under insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria in Nigeria: what do we know?
Journal of health, population and nutrition 31, no. 2 (2013): 243.
Journal Article
Wong, Luis, Esmeralda Wong, and Yanet Husares.
Mortalidad materna en la Dirección Regional de Salud Ancash
Revista Peruana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia 57, no. 4 (2011): 237-241.
Journal Article
Bamgboye, Afolabi M, Fatunmbi S Bayo, Otsemobor Olapeju, and Sofola O Tolulope.
Women in child-bearing age who are not currently pregnant are missed opportunities for malaria control in pregnancy: Evidence from 16 Local Government Areas of Nigeria
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 6, no. 1 (2014): 60-69.
Journal Article
Brissett, Nigel OM.
Reading conformity, resistance, and hybridity in Jamaica’s educational policy reform approaches
Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies 4, no. 4 (2013).
Journal Article
Brent J, Robert.
A cost-benefit analysis of female primary education as a means of reducing HIV/AIDS in Tanzania
Applied Economics 41, no. 14 (2009): 1731-1743.
Working Paper
Ivanic, Maros, and Will Martin.
Short and Long-run Impacts of Food Price Changes on Poverty
Working Paper
Björkegren, Daniel.
The Adoption of Network Goods: Evidence from the Spread of Mobile Phones in Rwanda
Journal Article
Diawara, Barassou.
Schooling and Assets Ownership
Modern Economy 2012, no. 3 (2011): 126-138.
Levy, Dan, and Jim Ohls.
Evaluation of Jamaica’s PATH program: final report
Kingston 4, West Indies , Jamaica : Ministry of Labour and Social Security , 2007.
Journal Article
Thurlow, James, Finn Tarp, Simon McCoy, Nguyen Manh Hai, Clemens Breisinger, and Channing Arndt.
The impact of the global commodity and financial crises on poverty in Vietnam
Journal of Globalization and Development 2, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
DeRose, Laurie F, and Alex C Ezeh.
Decision-making patterns and contraceptive use: evidence from Uganda
Population Research and Policy Review 29, no. 3 (2010): 423-439.
Working Paper
Lefévre, Mélanie, and Joe Tharakan.
Intermediaries, Transport Costs and Interlinked Transactions
(2013) CORE Discussion Paper 2013/55.
Journal Article
Barry, Danika, Aynalem Hailemichael Frew, Hajira Mohammed, Binyam Fekadu Desta, Lelisse Tadesse, Yeshiwork Aklilu, Abera Biadgo, Sandra Tebben Buffington, and Lynn M Sibley.
The effect of community maternal and newborn health family meetings on type of birth attendant and completeness of maternal and newborn care received during birth and the early postnatal period in rural Ethiopia
Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 59, no. 1 (2014): 44-54.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lavoie, Simon.
La Réalisation de la Souveraineté Alimentaire au Sénégal dans une Perspective de Sécurité Alimentaire: Le Cas de L'industrie Laitière
Maître ès arts, Université Laval, 2012.
Journal Article
Nakarmi, Amrit Man, Trupti Mishra, and Rangan Banerjee.
Integrated MAED-MARKAL-based analysis of future energy scenarios of Nepal
International Journal of Sustainable Energy , no. ahead-of-print (2014).
Journal Article
Chowdhury, Mushtaque A R, Abbas Bhuiya, Mahbub E Chowdhury, Sabrina Rasheed, Zakir Hussain, and Lincoln C Chen.
The Bangladesh paradox: exceptional health achievement despite economic poverty
The Lancet 382, no. 9906 (2013): 1734-1745.
Journal Article
Townes, Lindsay R, Dyson Mwandama, Don P Mathanga, and Mark L Wilson.
Elevated dry-season malaria prevalence associated with fine-scale spatial patterns of environmental risk: a case-control study of children in rural Malawi
(2013) Malaria Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kamanda, Mamusu.
School Attendance at Basic Education in West Africa
PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
MonzóN Pedrozo, Luz Angélica.
Autoestima según género en el cuarto grado de primaria de instituciones educativas de la RED 6 de Ventanilla
Tesis para optar el grado académico de Maestro en Educación Mención en Psicopedagogía de la Infancia, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Escuela de Postgrado. Facultad de Educación, 2012.
Showing 601-630 of 1283