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Journal Article
Diouf, Saliou, Assane Sylla, Fallou Diop, Abdallah Diallo, and Mamadou Sarr. "Anemia among Apparently Healthy Senegalese Children Aged 9-15 Months." International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 2, no. 1 (2013): 9-14.
Journal Article
Diop, Saliou, Fabienne Soudre, Moussa Seck, Youssou Bamar Gueye, Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye, Awa Oumar Toure Fall, Abibatou Sall, Doudou Thiam, and Lamine Diakhate. "Sickle-cell disease and malaria: evaluation of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Senegalese patients—a randomized placebo-controlled trial." Annals of Hematology 90, no. 1 (2011): 23-27.
Journal Article
Larmarange, Joseph, Abdoulaye S Wade, Abdou K Diop, Oulimata Diop, Khady Gueye, Adama Marra, and Annabel Desgrées du Loû. "Men who have sex with men (MSM) and factors associated with not using a condom at last sexual intercourse with a man and with a woman in Senegal." PloS one 5, no. 10 (2010): e1318.
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Book Section
Jakab, Melitta, Alexander S Preker, Chitra Krishnan, Pia Schneider, Francois Diop, Johannes P Jutting, Anil Gumber, M K Ranson, and Siripen Supakankunti. "Health financing for poor people: resource mobilization and risk sharing." (2004) Chapter 5: Analysis of community financing using household surveys .
Journal Article
Rani, Manju, Sekhar Bonu, and Nafissatou Diop-Sidibe. "An empirical investigation of attitudes towards wife-beating among men and women in seven Sub-Saharan African countries." African Journal of Reproductive Health 8, no. 3 (2004): 116-136.
Working Paper
Soucat, Agnes, Abdo Yazbeck, Rudolf Knippenberg, Francois Diop, Mark Wheeler, Shiyan Chao, and Sergiu Luculescu. "Rapid guidelines for integrating health, nutrition, and population issues into poverty reduction strategies of low-income countries." (2001) Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series.
Book Section
Sekabaraga, C., A. Soucat, F. Diop, and G. Martin. "Yes, Africa Can: Success Stories from a Dynamic Continent." (2011) Innovative Financing for Health in Rwanda: A Report of Successful Reforms.
Diop, Nafissatou J, Amadou Moreau, and Hélène Benga. Evaluation of the long-term impact of the TOSTAN programme on the abandonment of FGM/C and early marriage: Results from a qualitative study in Senegal. Dakar, Senegal: Population Council, 2008.
Journal Article
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Sangaré, Madina, Fatoumata Tandia, Keita A Touré, Nafissatou J Diop, Fatoumata Traoré, Habibatou Diallo, Ousmane H Traoré, Aissa Touré, and Youssouf Diallo. Study of the effectiveness of training Malian social and health agents in female genital cutting issues and in educating their clients. Bamako, Mali: Republic of Mali, 1998.
Journal Article
Diop-Sidibé, Nafissatou. "Siblings' premarital childbearing and the timing of first sex in three major cities of Côte d'Ivoire." (2005) International family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Diop-Sidibé, Nafissatou, Jacquelyn Campbell, and Stan Becker. "Domestic violence against women in Egypt - wife beating and health outcomes." Social science & medicine 62, no. 5 (2006): 1260-1277.
Journal Article
Becker, Stanley R, Francois Diop, and James N Thornton. "Infant and child mortality in two counties of Liberia: Results of a survey in 1988 and trends since 1984." International Journal of Epidemiology 22, no. Supplement 1 (1993): S56-S63.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alawan Isse M, Abdo. "Etat des Modes de Vie des Eleveurs Face aux Changements Climatiques a Djibouti." Le Grade de Docteur Veterinaire, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, 2012.
Working Paper
Sakho, Papa, Rosalie A Diop, and Madon Awissi-Sall. "Migration et genre au Sénégal." (2011) CARIM-AS 2011/10.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sall N, Hamidou. "Efficacité et Equité de L’enseignement Supérieur Quels Etudiants Réussissent à l’Université de Dakar?." Doctor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, 1996.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gnandji D, Adjo Patricia. "Contribution à L'étude de L'évolution du Marché de la Viande à Dakar de 1994 à 2000." Docteur Veterinaire, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, 2001.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ndiaye, Baye. "La Rééducation et la Réhabilitation des Personnes Handicapées par L'activité Aquatique." Thesis, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar, 2008.
Journal Article
Schneider, Pia, and François Diop. "Community-based health insurance in Rwanda." (2004) Health financing for poor people: resource mobilization and risk sharing. Washington (DC): The World Bank.
Working Paper
Schneider, Pia, and Francois Diop. "Synopsis of results on the impact of community-based health insurance on financial accessibility to health care in Rwanda." (2001) HNP Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Sekabaraga, Claude, Francois Diop, and Agnes Soucat. "Can Innovative Health Financing Policies Increase Access to MDG-related Services? Evidence from Rwanda." Health Policy and Planning 26, no. 2 (2011): ii52-ii62.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Talaki, Essodina. "Aviculture traditionnelle dans la région de Kolda (Sénégal): Structure et productivité." PhD Thesis, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, 2000.
Thesis or Dissertation
Thiam, Rokhaya. "Politique de Population au Senegal: Le Role de L'asbefdans la Planification Familiale." PhD Thesis, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop-Dakar, 1990.
Journal Article
Kaggwa, Esther B, Nafissatou Diop, and J. Douglas Storey. "The role of individual and community normative factors: A multilevel analysis of contraceptive use among women in union in Mali." International family planning perspectives 34, no. 2 (2008): 79-88.
Journal Article
Jones, Heidi, Nafissatou Diop, Ian Askew, and Inoussa Kabore. "Female genital cutting practices in Burkina Faso and Mali and their negative health outcomes." Studies in Family Planning 30, no. 3 (1999): 219-230.
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