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Thesis or Dissertation
Jimenez Pedrozo, Jairo Rafael, and Zully Dahiana Ruiz Perdomo. "Estudio de factibilidad para la ampliacion del portafolio de productos de la empresa Limon & Limonada." título de: ingeniero industrial, Fundacion Universidad de America, 2017.
Journal Article
Khan, K Aklimunnessa, Kabir, M Kabir, and M Mori. "Tobacco consumption and its association with illicit drug use among men in Bangladesh." Addiction 101, no. 8 (2006): 1178-1186.
Journal Article
Khan, M.M.H., Khandoker Aklimunnessa, M. Kabir, and Mituru Mori. "Determinants of drinking arsenic-contaminated tubewell water in Bangladesh." Health policy and planning 22, no. 5 (2007): 335.
Journal Article
Khan, MMH, M Kabir, and Mitsuru Mori. "Do various sources disseminating AIDS information make significant difference to antenatal care in Bangladesh?." Journal of Health & Population in Developing Countries (2005).
Journal Article
Khandoker, A, MMH Khan, A Kramer, and M Mori. "Knowledge about tuberculosis transmission among ever-married women in Bangladesh." The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 15, no. 3 (2011): 379-384.
Conference Paper
Machado, Jorge Humberto Triana, and John Jairo Junca Paredes. "Trabajo Decente en Colombia para las Trece Areas Metropolitanas." 4to Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables - Sociedad y Desarrollo. Bogota, Colombia, 09, 2015.
Book Section
Mancebo, Maria Ester. "El decenio progresista. Las políticas públicasEditorial Fin de Siglo-Instituto de Ciencia Polític." El statu quo en la educación obligatoria: entre la partidocracia, los sindicatos y el fantasma de la Reforma Rama (2016).
Journal Article
Marmolejo, Luis F, Luis F Diaz, Patricia Torres, Mariela Garcia, Mary H Burbano, Carolina Blanco, Katherine Erazo, and Jairo F Pereira. "Influence of handling practices on material recovery from residential solid waste." Sustainability 2, no. 7 (2010): 2070-2083.
Journal Article
Medina, Carlos, and Jairo Nunez. "The impact of public and private job training in Colombia." (2005).
Thesis or Dissertation
Molina Bustos, Jairo Ramiro. "Analisis y estudio del capital de trabajo de la empresa “Maya Ediciones” con fines de mejorar la administracion y su control." título de ingeniero comercial con mención en administración de empresas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mori, Amani Thomas. "Pharmacoeconomics and Formulary Decision-Making in Tanzania. Generating Evidence for Antimalarial Drugs." the degree of philosophiae doctor, University of Bergen, 2015.
Journal Article
Mori, Amani Thomas, Eliangiringa Amos Kaale, Frida Ngalesoni, Ole Frithjof Norheim, and Bjarne Robberstad. "The role of evidence in the decision-making process of selecting essential medicines in developing countries: the case of Tanzania." PloS one 9, no. 1 (2014): e84824.
Journal Article
Mori, Amani Thomas, and Joyce Owenya. "Stock-outs of antiretroviral drugs and coping strategies used to prevent changes in treatment regimens in Kinondoni District, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study." Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 7, no. 1 (2014): 3.
Working Paper
Mori, Soya, Celia Reyes, and Tatsufumi Yamagata. "Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in the Philippines." (2009).
Mori, Soya, Celia M Reyes, and Tatsufumi Yamagata. Poverty Reduction of the Disabled: Livelihood of Persons with Disabilities in the Philippines. : Routledge, 2014.
Book Section
Mori, Soya, and Tatsufumi Yamagata. "Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in the Philippines-Livelihood Analysis from the Data of PWDs in Metro Manila IDE-JETRO." A note on income and poverty of persons with disabilities in Metro Manila (2009).
Working Paper
Mori, Soya, and Tatsufumi Yamagata. "A note on income and poverty of persons with disabilities in Metro Manila." (2009).
Journal Article
Mori-Quispe, Elizabeth, Hans Contreras-Pulache, Willy David Hinostroza-Camposano, Enrique Gil-Guevara, Alexandra Vallejos-Matos, and Horacio Chacon-Torrico. "Relación con la pareja en madres de neonatos con bajo peso al nacer." Revista peruana de epidemiología 17, no. 1 (2013): 01-04.
Journal Article
Nakamura, Haruyo, Nayu Ikeda, Andrew Stickley, Rintaro Mori, and Kenji Shibuya. "Achieving MDG 4 in Sub-Saharan Africa: What has contributed to the accelerated child mortality decline in Ghana?." Plos One 6, no. 3 (2011): 1-6.
Journal Article
Ngalesoni, Frida N, George M Ruhago, Amani T Mori, Bjarne Robberstad, and Ole F Norheim. "Equity impact analysis of medical approaches to cardiovascular diseases prevention in Tanzania." Social Science & Medicine (2016).
Journal Article
Nunez, Jairo, and Laura Cuesta. "Demografía y pobreza en Colombia." Documento CEDE (2006).
Journal Article
Osorio-Gutiérrez, Luz Adriana, and Jairo Castaño-Zapata. "Caracterización del agente causante de la Pudrición de raíces de la arveja (Pisum sativum Linneo), enfermedad endémica en el municipio de Manizales-Caldas (Colombia)." Agronomia 19, no. 2 (2011): 33-43.
Journal Article
Ota, Erika, Togoobaatar Ganchimeg, Naho Morisaki, Joshua P Vogel, Cynthia Pileggi, Eduardo Ortiz-Panozo, João P Souza, and Rintaro Mori. "Risk Factors and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes among Term and Preterm Infants Born Small-for-Gestational-Age: Secondary Analyses of the WHO Multi-Country Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health." PloS one 9, no. 8 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Peña Cervantes, Yuriria Lizeth. "Análisis de la Expansión Urbana y Sub-Urbana en México con la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG)." Universidad Autónoma De Coahuila, 2015.
Journal Article
Pinto Masís, Diana, Carlos Gómez-Restrepo, Miguel Uribe Restrepo, Carlos Miranda, Andrés Pérez, Mauricio Espriella, Jairo Novoa, Andrea Chaux, Álvaro Arenas, and Néstor Torres. "La carga económica de la depresión en Colombia: costos directos del manejo intrahospitalario." Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría 39, no. 3 (2010): 465-480.
Working Paper
Restrepo, Jairo H, and Verónica Salazar. "El seguro obligatorio de salud en Colombia: evolución y determinantes de la cobertura." (2002).
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