
Showing 31-60 of 1073
Thesis or Dissertation
González González A, Diego. "Diseño Organizacional para la Asociación Interprofesional de Maestros, Operarios, Bisuteros y Afines del Cantón Salinas, Provincia de Santa Elena, Año 2013." Thesis, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2013.
Journal Article
Plascencia, Rafael Gonzalez, Alvaro Sanchez Crispin, Francisco Bautista Zuniga, Jobst Wurl, John Birkmann, Manuel Figuerola, Manuel Gonzalez Herrera, and Neptali Monterroso Salvatierra. "Dr. Jose Luis Pech Varguez Rector Dr. Enrique Baltar Rodriguez Secretario General M. en C. Erika Leticia Alonzo Flores." ().
Journal Article
Garcia-Pena, Carmen, and Cesar Gonzalez-Gonzalez. "Accesibilidad y efectividad en Mexico." Gaceta medica de Mexico 147, no. 6 (2011): 504-509.
Journal Article
González-Arratia López Fuentes, Norma Ivonne, Jose Luis Valdez Medina, Hans Oudhof Barneveld, and Sergio Gonzalez Escobar. "Resiliencia y factores protectores en menores infractores y en situacion de calle." Psicologia y Salud 22, no. 1 (2012): 49-62.
Journal Article
Ruíz-Serrano, A, Rubén Posada-Gómez, A Martínez Sibajaa, Gerardo Aguila Rodríguez, Blanca González-Sánchez, and Oscar Osvaldo Sandoval-Gonzalez. "Development of a Dual Control System Applied to a Smart Wheelchair, using Magnetic and Speech Control." Procedia Technology (2013).
Working Paper
González de la Rocha*, Mercedes, Martha Moreno Pérez, and Inés Escobar González. "Trabajo, Modos de Subsistencia y Vida Social en Mexico." (2012).
Journal Article
González Hernández, Jose Roberto, Guadalupe Margarita González Hernández, Luz Evelia Padilla Bernal, and Elivier Reyes Rivas. "Reestructuración productiva y reproducción precaria familiar en México: la experiencia de las familias periurbanas de la ciudad zacatecasguadalupe.." ().
Conference Paper
González Ortiz, Jorge Horacio, David Gómez Sánchez, and Mario Gutiérrez Lagunés. "Evaluación de la actitud hacia las computadoras en los profesores de la educación superior de Rio Verde, S.L.P., México." 2° Congreso Virtual sobre Tecnología, Educación y Sociedad . 2015.
Journal Article
González Villarruel, Alejandro, and Natalia Gabayet González. "¿Qué hace al kiliwa un koléew? la historia etnográfica subvertida en la esquina norte del país." Desacatos , no. 49 (2015).
Journal Article
Borgia, Fernando, Alexis Gularte, Ingrid Gabrielzyk, Marcela Azambuja, Jorge Soto, Miguel Corneo, Helena Giménez, Marlene Arraras, and Sebastián González Sebastián González. "De la Invisibilidad de la Situación de las Policlínicas Comunitarias-rurales en Uruguay a la Priorización de la Salud Rural como Política Pública." Saúde em Debate 36, no. 94 (2012): 421-435.
Journal Article
Moyano, Luz M, Mayuko Saito, Silvia M Montano, Guillermo Gonzalvez, Sandra Olaya, Viterbo Ayvar, Isidro González, Luis Larrauri, Victor CW Tsang, Fernando Llanos, Silvia Rodríguez, Armando E Gonzalez, Robert H Gilman, and Hector H Garcia. "Neurocysticercosis as a Cause of Epilepsy and Seizures in Two Community-Based Studies in a Cysticercosis-Endemic Region in Peru." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
González, Diana Caldera C, Eugenia S Ramos, and Celestina G González. "La inequidad y desigualdad en los sistemas de estímulos universitarios para las académicas madres trabajadoras." UPGTO Management Review 2, no. 2 (2017): 9.
Journal Article
Sarmiento, Olga L, Diana C Parra, Silvia A Gonzalez, Ines Gonzalez-Casanova, Ana Y Forero, and Johnattan Garcia. "The dual burden of malnutrition in Colombia." The American journal of clinical nutrition 100, no. 6 (2014): 1628S-1635S.
Journal Article
Gonzalez Becerril, Juan Gabino, Alejandro Canales Ceron, Rodolfo Cruz Pineiro, and Melina Ocampo Gonzalez. "La migración calificada de América Latina en Estados Unidos y Chile: determinantes de su incorporación laboral." Huellas de la Migración 1, no. 1 (2016): 125-155.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Teresa A Smith, and Dana L Kelly. School contexts for learning and instruction: IEA’s Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1999.
Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith. Mathematics and science achievement in the final year of secondary school: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1998.
Harmon, Maryellen, Teresa A Smith, Michael O Martin, Dana L Kelly, Albert E Beaton, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Graham Orpwood. Performance assessment in IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith. Mathematics achievement in the primary school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Teresa A Smith, and Dana L Kelly. Science achievement in the primary school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Beaton, Albert E, Ina V Mullis, Michael O Martin, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith. Mathematics achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
Beaton, Albert E, Michael O Martin, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, TeresA A Smith, and Dana L Kelly. Science achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
Mullis, Ina V, Kelvin D Gregory, Robert A Garden, Kathleen M O’Connor, Steven J Chrostowski, Teresa A Smith, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Michael O Martin. TIMSS 1999 international mathematics report: Findings from IEA's repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the eighth grade. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 2000.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Kelvin D Gregory, Teresa A Smith, Steven J Chrostowski, Robert A Garden, and Kathleen M O’Connor. TIMSS 1999 international science report: Findings from IEA’s repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the eighth grade. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 2000.
Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Steven J Chrostowski. TIMSS 2003 international mathematics report: Findings From IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study at the Fourth and Eighth Grades. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, 2004.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Steven J Chrostowski. TIMSS 2003 international science report: Findings from IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study at the Fourth and Eighth Grades. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, 2004.
Martín del Campo, Juan Carlos Chávez, Héctor Juan Villarreal Páez , Ricardo Cantú Calderon, and Horacio Edgardo González Sánchez. Impacto del Incremento en los Precios de los Alimentos en la Pobreza en Mexico. 2008.
Working Paper
Gonzalez-Rozada, Martin, and Freddy L Pinto. "The Effects of a Conditional Transfer Program on the Labor Market: The Human Development Bonus in Ecuador." (2011).
Journal Article
Gonzalez, Rodrigo, Adriana Otero, Lia Nakayama, and Susana Marioni. "Las movilidades del turismo y las migraciones de amenidad: problemáticas y contradicciones en el desarrollo de centros turísticos de montaña." Revista de geografía Norte Grande , no. 44 (2009).
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