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Journal Article
Ngailo, Jerry A, Juma M Wickama, and Kenneth G Masuki. "A Discourse on Emergence of New Conflicts and Their Impacts to Surrounding Communities after Livestock Keepers’ Eviction from Mkomazi Game Reserve (MGR) in Tanzania." International Journal of Modern Social Sciences 3, no. 2 (2014): 123-139.
Journal Article
Wilson, Kate S, Ruth Deya, Krista Yuhas, Jane Simoni, Ann Vander Stoep, Juma Shafi, Walter Jaoko, James P Hughes, Barbra A Richardson, and Scott R McClelland. "A Prospective Cohort Study of Intimate Partner Violence and Unprotected Sex in HIV-Positive Female Sex Workers in Mombasa, Kenya." (2016) AIDS and Behavior.
Journal Article
Bazant, Eva, Hally Mahler, Michael Machaku, Ruth Lemwayi, Yusuph Kulindwa, Jackson Gisenge Lija, Baraka Mpora, Denice Ochola, Supriya Sarkar, Emma Williams, Marya Plotkin, and James Juma. "A randomized evaluation of a demand creation lottery for voluntary medical male circumcision among adults in Tanzania." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 72, no. Suppl 4 (2016): S285-S292.
Conference Paper
Okello, Julius Juma. "An Assessment of the Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Ponds on Farm Income in Rwanda." The 8th AFMA Congress. 2012.
Journal Article
Sivapalasingam, Sumathi, Scott R McClelland, Jacques Ravel, Aabid Ahmed, Charles M Cleland, Pawel Gajer, Musa Mwamzaka, Fatma Marshed, Juma Shafi, and Linnet Masese. "An effective intervention to reduce intravaginal practices among HIV-1 uninfected Kenyan women." AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 30, no. 11 (2014): 1046-1057.
Journal Article
Macharia, Kamau Simon, Rotich Rose Jelagat, and Mwembe David Juma. "Applying Margaret Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness to psychosocial nursing care of HIV infected patients in Kenya." American Journal of Nursing 4, no. 1 (2015): 6-11.
Journal Article
Zingiro, Ariane, Julius Juma Okello, and Paul Maina Guthiga. "Assessment of adoption and impact of rainwater harvesting technologies on rural farm household income: the case of rainwater harvesting ponds in Rwanda." Environment, Development and Sustainability 16, no. 6 (2014): 1281-1298.
Journal Article
Keesara, Sirina, Pamela A Juma, Cynthia C Harper, and Sara J Newmann. "Barriers to postpartum contraception: differences among women based on parity and future fertility desires." (2017) Culture, Health & Sexuality.
Journal Article
Matanda, Dennis Juma, Helga Bjornoy Urke, and Maurice B Mittelmark. "Changes in optimal childcare practices in Kenya: Insights from the 2003, 2008-9 and 2014 demographic and health surveys." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016): e0161221.
Thesis or Dissertation
Matanda, Dennis Juma. "Child Physical Growth and Care Practices in Kenya: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys." PhD Dissertation, University of Bergen, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shafi, Ajebush Argaw. "Childhood Poverty in Ethiopia: Deprivations and Disparities in Child Well-Being." Master of Science, Maastricht University, 2010.
Journal Article
Fakhruddin, SHM, and Juma Rahman. "Coping with coastal risk and vulnerabilities in Bangladesh." (2015) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Journal Article
Juma, Milka, Ian Askew, Jane Alaii, Kay L Bartholomew, and Bart Borne. "Cultural practices and sexual risk behaviour among adolescent orphans and non-orphans: a qualitative study on perceptions from a community in western Kenya." BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 84.
Journal Article
Manyahi, Joel, Boniphace S Jullu, Mathias I Abuya, James Juma, Bonita Kilama, Veryeh Sambu, Josef Nondi, Bernard Rabiel, Neema Makyao, Angela Ramadhani, Geoffrey Somi, and Mecky I Matee. "Decline in the prevalence HIV among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Tanzania, 2001-2011." Tanzania Journal of Health Research 19, no. 2 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Akech, Juma Erick Ochieng. "Demand for emergency caesarean deliveryat Kenyatta National Hospital: free maternal health care program." Master of Science in Health Economics and Policy, University of Nairobi, 2016.
Journal Article
Speakman, Elizabeth M, Ahmad Shafi, Egbert Sondorp, Nooria Atta, and Natasha Howard. "Development of the Community Midwifery Education initiative and its influence on women's health and empowerment in Afghanistan: a case study." BMC women's health 14, no. 1 (2014): 111.
Thesis or Dissertation
Juma, Fredrick Kisika. "Effects of mining on food security to farming communities surrounding Nyamongo gold mine in Tarime district, Tanzania." Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2015.
Journal Article
Reynolds, Teri A, Juma A Mfinanga, Hendry R Sawe, Michael S Runyon, and Victor Mwafongo. "Emergency care capacity in Africa: A clinical and educational initiative in Tanzania." (2012) Journal of Public Health Policy.
Journal Article
Hitayezu, Patrick, Julius Juma Okello, and Christopher Obel-Gor. "Farm households' participation in rural non-farm employment in post-war Rwanda: Drivers and policy implications." Development Southern Africa 31, no. 3 (2014): 452-474.
Journal Article
Imtiaz, Farukh, Nighat Nisar, Khalid Shafi, and Faryal Nawab. "Frequency of Smear Positive Malaria and Socio-demographics Factors of Patients Visiting the Microscopy Center of a Tertiary Care Civil Hospital, Khairpur." (2016) Annals Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College.
Journal Article
Ngalalikwa, Maksizia A, and Juma R Kiduanga. "Hazardous Settlements and their Implications in Urban Tanzania: A Case Study of Iringa Town." Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development 22, no. 1-2 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Muhsin, Hassan Juma. "Identification of Academic Challenges Facing Most Vulnerable Children in Zanzibar: A case study of West District." Master of Arts, The Open University of Tanzania, 2015.
Journal Article
Adinan, Juma, Damian J Damian, Neema R Mosha, Innocent B Mboya, Redempta Mamseri, and Sia E Msuya. "Individual and contextual factors associated with appropriate healthcare seeking behavior among febrile children in Tanzania." PloS one 12, no. 4 (2017): e0175446.
Journal Article
Sime, Heven, Kebede Deribe, Ashenafi Assefa, Melanie J Newport, Fikre Enquselassie, Abeba Gebretsadik, Amha Kebede, Asrat Hailu, Oumer Shafi, and Abraham Aseffa. "Integrated mapping of lymphatic filariasis and podoconiosis: lessons learnt from Ethiopia." Parasites & Vectors 7, no. 1 (2014): 397.
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Muaz, Syed Shafi Ahmed. "Introducing Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccine at EPI Schedule in Bangladesh-Impact on Sustainable Development Goal." Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 39, no. 2 (2017): 65-68.
Journal Article
Gore-Langton, Georgia R, James Mungai, Nfornuh Alenwi, Abdullahi Abagira, Owen M Bicknell, Rebecca E Harrison, Farah Amin Hassan, Stephen Munga, Katie Eves, and Elizabeth Juma. "Investigating a Non-Mesh Mosquito Net Among Outdoor Sleeping Nomadic Communities in Kenya." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 93, no. 5 (2015): 1002-1009.
Journal Article
Gore-Langton, Georgia R, James Mungai, Nfornuh Alenwi, Abdulla Abagira, Owen M Bicknell, Rebecca Harrison, Farah A Hassan, Stephen Munga, Francis Njoroge, Elizabeth Juma, and others. "Investigating the acceptability of non-mesh, long-lasting insecticidal nets amongst nomadic communities in Garissa County, Kenya using a prospective, longitudinal study design and cross-sectional household surveys." Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Working Paper
Basenya, Olivier, Manassé Nimpagaritse, François Busogoro, Juvénal Ndayishimiye, Canut Nkunzimana, Gérard Ntahimpereye, Michel Bossuyt, Juma Ndereye, and Léonard Ntakarutimana. "Le Financement Basé sur la Performance Comme Stratégie pour Améliorer la Mise en Œuvre de la Gratuité des Soins : Premières Leçons de L’expérience du Burundi." (2011) PBF CoP.
Journal Article
Juma, Collins, Donatien Beguy, and Blessing Mberu. "Levels Of and Factors Associated with Birth Registration in the slums of Nairobi." African Population Studies 30, no. 2 (2016): 2368-2375.
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