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Population Census 2002
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Central Statistical Office (CSO)
Created on
Feb 19, 2014
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Aguero, Jorge M, and Maithili Ramachandran.
The intergenerational effects of increasing parental schooling: Evidence from Zimbabwe
Aguero, Jorge M, and Maithili Ramachandran.
The Intergenerational Effects of Increasing Women’s Schooling. Evidence from Zimbabwe
Bandauko, Elmond.
Locating Harare in the Zimbabwean Mantra of Economic Challenges: Trends, Reality and Implications in Service Delivery
Burke, Stephen J, Elliot Lass, Paul Thistle, Lovemore Katumbe, Arif Jetha, Dan Schwarz, Shelly Bolotin, RD Barker, Andrew Simor, and Michael Silverman.
Increased Incidence of Tuberculosis in Zimbabwe, in Association with Food Insecurity, and Economic Collapse: An Ecological Analysis
PloS One 9, no. 2 (2014).
Chambati, Walter.
Agrarian Labour Relations in Zimbabwe after Over a Decade of Land and Agrarian Reform
Chigonda, Tanyaradzwa.
An assessment of the benefits and costs of black granite quarrying in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe: A socio-cultural, biophysical and economic approach
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 3 (2010): 324-336.
Chigumira, E, and N Mujere.
Water supply patterns in Kadoma City, Zimbabwe
Chikodzi, David, and Godfrey Mutowo.
Drought monitoring for Masvingo province in Zimbabwe: A remote sensing perspective
Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 2, no. 1 (2013): 056-060.
Chimhowu, Admos, and Phil Woodhouse.
‘Officially’ Forbidden but Not Suppressed: Vernacular Land Markets on Communal Lands in Zimbabwe. A Case Study of Svosve Communal Lands, Zimbabwe
Chinyama, A, PT Chipato, and E Mangore.
Sustainable sanitation systems for low income urban areas - A case of the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
(2012) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C.
Chisita, Collence Takaingenhamo.
An investigation into the impact of ICT's in the provision of agricultural information to small scale farmers in Harare
Scientific and Technical Information and Rural Development IAALD XIIIth World Congress.
Montpellier, France, 2010.
Chitekwe-Biti, Beth.
Struggles for urban land by the Zimbabwe Homeless People’s Federation
Environment and Urbanization 21, no. 2 (2009): 347-366.
Chitongo, Leonard.
The contribution of ngos to rural development: the case of catholic relief services protecting vulnerable livelihoods programme in Zimbabwe
Asian journal of management sciences & education 2, no. 3 (2013): 124-143.
Chitsika, Phillip.
Poverty determinants in Chivi district, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe: An application of econometric modelling techniques on household data
Master of Science Degree in Economics , University of Zimbabwe , 2016.
Chomutare, Gillian, and Elias Madzudo.
Anatomy of Alterity: Instrumental Identies Among the San in Zimbabwe
Cobo, JG, G Dercon, C Monje, P Mahembe, T Gotosa, J Nyamangara, RJ Delve, and G Cadisch.
Cropping strategies, soil fertility investment and land management practices by smallholder farmers in communal and resettlement areas in Zimbabwe
Land Degradation and Development 20, no. 5 (2009): 492-508.
Crosmary, William-Georges, Simon Chamaille-Jammes, Godfrey Mtare, Herve Fritz, and Steeve D Cote.
Decline of sable antelope in one of its key conservation areas: the greater Hwange ecosystem, Zimbabwe
African Journal of Ecology 53, no. 2 (2015): 194-205.
Downmore, Musademba, Musiyandaka Shepherd, Muzinda Andrew, and Nhemachena Barbaraand Jambwa Daniel.
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Du Preez, Martella, Ronan M Conroy, James A Wright, Sibonginkosi Moyo, Natasha Potgieter, and Stephen W Gundry.
Use of ceramic water filtration in the prevention of diarrheal disease: a randomized controlled trial in rural South Africa and Zimbabwe
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 79, no. 5 (2008): 696-701.
Dzwairo, Bloodless, Zvikomborero Hoko, David Love, and Edward Guzha.
Assessment of the impacts of pit latrines on groundwater quality in rural areas: A case study from Marondera district, Zimbabwe
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 31, no. 15 (2006): 779-788.
Eide, Arne H, and Mitch E Loeb.
Data and statistics on disability in developing countries
Ferreira, Monica, and Paul Kowal.
A minimum data set on ageing and older persons in Sub-Saharan Africa: Process and outcome
African Population Studies 21, no. 1 (2006): 19-36.
Francis-Chizororo, Monica.
The formation, constitution and social dynamics of orphaned child headed households in rural Zimbabwe in the era of HIV/AIDS pandemic
PhD thesis, University of St Andrews, 2008.
Gregson, Simon, Constance Nyamukapa, Ben Lopman, Phyllis Mushati, Geoffrey P Garnett, Stephen K Chandiwana, and Roy M Anderson.
Critique of early models of the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa based on contemporary empirical data from Zimbabwe
PNAS 104, no. 37 (2007).
Guzha, Edward, Innocent Nhapi, and Johan Rockstrom.
An assessment of the effect of human faeces and urine on maize production and water productivity
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 30, no. 11 (2005): 840-845.
Gwaze, Rumosa F, M Chimonyo, and K Dzama.
Communal goat production in Southern Africa: a review
Tropical animal health and production 41, no. 7 (2009): 1157-1168.
Gwaze, Rumosa F, M Chimonyo, and K Dzama.
Variation in the functions of village goats in Zimbabwe and South Africa
Tropical animal health and production 41, no. 7 (2009): 1381-1391.
Hallett, TB, S Gregson, S Dube, ES Mapfeka, O Mugurungi, and GP Garnett.
Estimating the resources required in the roll-out of universal access to antiretroviral treatment in Zimbabwe
(2011) Sexually transmitted infections.
Hoko, Zvikomborero.
An assessment of quality of water from boreholes in Bindura District, Zimbabwe
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33, no. 8 (2008): 824-828.
Hoko, Zvikomborero, Bloodless Dzwairo, Rudo A Sanyanga, Nomathemba Neseni, and Edward Guzha.
A preliminary assessment of the gender sensitivity and health risk potential of ecological sanitation (ecosan) in marondera rural district, Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 1 (2010): 87-105.
Hove, Mediel, and Auxillia Tirimboi.
Assessment of harare water service delivery
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13, no. 4 (2011): 61-84.
Jaka, Ellen.
The impact of protracted food aid on Chipinge District communities in Zimbabwe
Master thesis, University of the Free State, 2009.
Jerie, Steven, Precious Mugiya, and others.
The Effectiveness of Basin Tillage on Maize Production in the Semi-Arid Dayataya Ward of Southern Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 4 (2010): 28-40.
Kamusoko, C, and M Aniya.
Hybrid classification of Landsat data and GIS for land use/cover change analysis of the Bindura district, Zimbabwe
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30, no. 1 (2009): 97-115.
Kamusoko, C, and M Aniya.
Land use/cover change and landscape fragmentation analysis in the Bindura District, Zimbabwe
Land degradation & development 18, no. 2 (2007): 221-233.
Kamusoko, Courage, Jonah Gamba, and Hitomi Murakami.
Monitoring urban spatial growth in harare metropolitan province, zimbabwe
(2013) Advances in Remote Sensing.
Kashora, Phoebe.
Evaluation of Curriculum Design and Delivery: A Case for Zimbabwe Staff College
PhD thesis, University of South Africa, 2015.
Kembo, Joshua.
Social and economic consequences of HIV and AIDS on children: case study of a high-density community in Harare, Zimbabwe
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance 7, no. 4 (2010).
Kibena, J, I Nhapi, and W Gumindoga.
Assessing the relationship between water quality parameters and changes in landuse patterns in the Upper Manyame River, Zimbabwe
(2014) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C.
Kufa, Erica.
The timing of first antenatal care visit and factors associated with access to care among antenatal care attendees at Chitungwiza municipal clinics, Zimbabwe
Masters in Public Health at the School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2012.
Kujinga, Krasposy.
The dynamics of stakeholder participation in water resources management in Zimbabwe: A case study of the agricultural sector
Master of Science degree in Integrated Water Resources Managemen, Faculty of Sciences, University of the Western Cape, 2004.
Kujinga, Krasposy, and Lewis Jonker.
An analysis of stakeholder knowledge about water governance transformation in Zimbabwe
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 31, no. 15 (2006): 690-698.
Luebker, Malte.
Employment, unemployment and informality in Zimbabwe: Concepts and data for coherent policy-making
Mabiza, Collin C, Pieter Zaag, Emmanuel Manzungu, and Rhodante Ahlers.
Community-based water resource management institutions: perspectives from the Mzingwane catchment, Zimbabwe
Madari, Zvikomborero TR.
Analysis of fertility estimates in Zimbabwe: A comparison of the census and DHS data
Master of Philosophy in Demography, University of Cape Town, 2014.
Makwara, EC, and D Gamira.
About to Lose all the Soil in Zaka's Ward 5, Zimbabwe: Rewards of Unsustainable Land Use
European Journal of Sustainable Development 1, no. 3 (2012): 457-476.
Makwara, Enock C, and Snodia Magudu.
Confronting the Reckless Gambling With People's Health and Lives: Urban Solid Waste Management in Zimbabwe
European Journal of Sustainable Development 2, no. 1 (2013): 67-98.
Mangizvo V, Remigios.
Challenges of Solid Waste Management in the Central Business District of the City of Gweru in Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 9, no. 3 (2007): 134-145.
Manyanhaire, IO, JT Matewa, E Svotwa, and E Munhuwa.
Water shortage related problems following the closure of Mhangura copper mine in Mashonaland West Province of Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 11, no. 4 (2009): 239-252.
Manyanhaire, Itai Offat, and Sandra Mutangadura--Mangeya.
Perceptions on ecological sanitation in Zimbabwe: the case of Masiyararwa communal area in Zvimba District of Mashonaland West Province
Manyanhaire, OI, T Murenje, P Chibisa, D Munasirei, and E Svotwa.
Investigating gender dimensions in vending activities in the City of Mutare, Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development In Africa, vol9 9, no. 4 (2007).
Manyena, Siambabala Bernard, Maureen Fordham, and Andrew Collins.
Disaster resilience and children: Managing food security in Zimbabwe's Binga district
Children Youth and Environments 18, no. 1 (2008): 303-331.
Manzungu, Emmanuel, and Rose Machiridza.
Economic-legal ideology and water management in Zimbabwe: Implications for smallholder agriculture
International workshop on ‘African Water Laws: Plural Legislative Frameworks for Rural Water Management in Africa’.
Johannesburg, South Africa, January 26-28, 2005.
Mapira, Jemitias.
Challenges of Zimbabwe’s Media in the Provision of Environmental Education
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 15, no. 6 (2013).
Mapira, Jemitias.
River pollution in the City of Mutare (Zimbabwe) and its implications of sustainable development
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13, no. 6 (2011): 181-194.
Mapira, Jemitias, and Philip Mazambara.
Indigenous knowledge systems and their implications for sustainable development in Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 15, no. 5 (2013).
Mapira, Jemitias, and Ackim Munthali.
Household energy demand: wood fuel consumption and peri-urban deforestation in the city of Masvingo (Zimbabwe)
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13, no. 5 (2011): 264-279.
Maponga, Brian A, Daniel Chirundu, Notion T Gombe, Mufuta Tshimanga, Gerald Shambira, and Lucia Takundwa.
Risk factors for contracting watery diarrhoea in Kadoma City, Zimbabwe, 2011: a case control study
BMC infectious Diseases 13, no. 1 (2013).
Mapuva, Jephias, and Freedom Chimbangu.
Of Natural Resources, Poverty Alleviation and Local Communities: Case of Quarry Mining in Mutoko District (Zimbabwe)
Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences 3, no. 2 (2016): 191-197.
Mark, Matsa, and Muringaniza Kudakwashe.
Rate of land-use/land-cover changes in Shurugwi district, Zimbabwe: drivers for change.
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 3 (2010): 107-121.
Masanganise, R, S Rusakaniko, R Makunike, M Hove, E Chokunonga, MZ Borok, BG Mauchaza, MZ Chirenje, VN Masanganise, and T Magure.
A historical perspective of registered cases of malignant ocular tumors in Zimbabwe (1990 to 1999): is HIV infection a factor?
The central african journal of medicine 54, no. 5/8 (2008): 28-32.
Masocha, Mhosisi, and Andrew K Skidmore.
Integrating conventional classifiers with a GIS expert system to increase the accuracy of invasive species mapping
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13, no. 3 (2011): 487-494.
Matsa, M, and K Muringaniza.
An Assessment of the Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Shurugwi District, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe.
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 4, no. 2 (2011): 88-100.
Matutu, Vakai.
Understanding Government Drought Mitigation Programme and the Quest for Survival in Labour Constrained Households in Rural Zimbabwe. Case of Mhondoro-Ngezi Rural District
Maviya, Johnson, and Brighton Munyai.
It’s in your hands. An Analysis of Stakeholder Participation in Water Resources Management in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of the Manyame Catchment
Mbereko, Alexio, Moses John Chimbari, and Billy B Mukamuri.
An analysis of institutions associated with wetlands use, access and management in communal areas of Zimbabwe: A case study of Zungwi vlei, Zvishavane
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 32, no. 15 (2007): 1291-1299.
Mbereko, Alexio, Billy B Mukamuri, and Moses J Chimbari.
Exclusion and contests over wetlands used for farming in Zimbabwe: a case study of broad-ridge and broad-furrow tillage system on Zungwi Vlei
(2015) Journal of Political Ecology.
Mbiba, Beacon.
Urban solid waste characteristics and household appetite for separation at source in Eastern and Southern Africa
(2014) Habitat International.
Mbiba, Beacon, and Michael Ndubiwa.
Decent work in construction and the role of local authorities the case of Bulawayo city, Zimbabwe
Mhlanga, Brillant.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Policy for Change and the Mask for Development: A Critical Analysis of Zimbabwe's E-Readiness Survey Report
The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries 28, no. 1 (2006): 1-16.
Mlambo, Sephath.
Demographic profiling of retail consumers in Zimbabwe
Scholedge International Journal of Management & Development 4, no. 2 (2017): 10-17.
Moyo, Bethwell, Sikhalazo Dube, and Philani Moyo.
Rangeland management and drought coping strategies for livestock farmers in the semi-arid savanna communal areas of Zimbabwe
Journal of Human Ecology 44, no. 1 (2013): 9-21.
Moyo, Phanankosi, and Jemitias Mapira.
Bioremediation with the water hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes): a panacea for river pollution in the city of Masvingo (Zimbabwe)?
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 14, no. 6 (2012): 115-131.
Moyo, Richard, David Love, Marloes Mul, Walter Mupangwa, and Steve Twomlow.
Impact and sustainability of low-head drip irrigation kits, in the semi-arid Gwanda and Beitbridge Districts, Mzingwane Catchment, Limpopo Basin, Zimbabwe
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 31, no. 15 (2006): 885-892.
Moyo, Stanzia, A Zvoushe, and O Rusinga.
Factors affecting the use of male-oriented contraceptives: a case study of the Mukarati community, Zimbabwe
(2012) Open Access Journal of Contraception.
Mtapuri, Oliver.
Developing an asset threshold using the consensual approach: Results from Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
Journal of International Development 23, no. 1 (2011): 29-41.
Muchadenyika, Davison, and John J Williams.
Social Change: Urban Governance and Urbanization in Zimbabwe
(2016) Urban Forum.
Muchie, Mammo, Shakespear Mudombi, and Godwell Nhamo.
Socio-Economic Determinants of Climate Change Awareness among Communal Farmers in Two Districts of Zimbabwe
Mudombi, Shakespear, and Mammo Muchie.
Perceptions of water access in the context of climate change by rural households in the Seke and Murewa districts, Zimbabwe
Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 5, no. 1 (2013).
Mudombi, Shakespear, and Godwell Nhamo.
Access to Weather Forecasting and Early Warning Information by Communal Farmers in Seke and Murewa Districts, Zimbabwe
Journal of Human Ecology 48, no. 3 (2014): 357-366.
Mudozori, Gift, and Samuel Kusangaya.
Analysis of the challenges posed by water pollution in providing standard water quality: The case of Chinhoyi urban, Zimbabwe
Mudzengerere, Fungai Hamilton, and Average Chigwenya.
Waste Management in Bulawayo city council in Zimbabwe: in search of Sustainable waste Management in the city
JSDA 14, no. 1 (2012): 228-244.
Mudzengerere, Fungai Hamilton, and Virginia Madiro.
Sustainable Urban Traffic Management in Third World Cities: The Case of Bulawayo City in Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (JSDA) 15, no. 2 (2013): 185-200.
Mudzengi, KB, Ben Ejide, Steve Otonye Tamuno, Williams Okwara Iroh, Francis Muchenje, and Mudasiru Moruff.
An Assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the construction of Siya Dam in the Mazungunye area: Bikita District of Zimbabwe
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 14, no. 4 (2012): 1-17.
Mufunda, Jacob, Rufaro Chatora, Yustina Ndambakuwa, Peter Nyarango, Jephat Chifamba, Andrew Kosia, and Harvey V Sparks.
Prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in Zimbabwe: results from analysis of data from the National Central Registry and Urban Survey
Ethnicity and Disease 16, no. 3 (2006): 718-722.
Mugurungi, Owen, Simon Gregson, AD McNaghten, Sabada Dube, and Nicholas C Grassly.
HIV, Resurgent Infections and Population Change in Africa
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Muisa, Norah.
Impacts of alum residues from Morton Jaffray Water Works on water quality and fish, Harare, Zimbabwe
University of Zimbabwe, 2011.
Mupetesi, Thomas, Joseph Francis, and Richard Gomo.
Poverty Rates in a Rural District of Zimbabwe: A Case Study of the Guruve District
Journal of Social Sciences 43, no. 1 (2015): 25-37.
Mupetesi, Thomas, Joseph Francis, Richard Gomo, and John Mudau.
Gendered patterns of social capital among farmers in Guruve district of Zimbabwe
Gender & Behaviour 10, no. 2 (2012): 4832-4848.
Mupindu, W, and RD Thakhathi.
The challenges of potable water service delivery system in the City of Kwekwe, Zimbabwe
Administratio Publica 20, no. 2 (2012): 70-88.
Murinda S, Sharon.
Comparative Assessment of Performance of Urban Water Supply Systems in Small Towns of Zimbabwe
Master thesis, University of Zimbabwe, 2012.
Musasa, Stephen T, Brighton M Mvumi, Faith A Manditsera, Jonathan Chinhanga, Shepherd Musiyandaka, and Claire Chigwedere.
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(2013) Journal of Food Science and Quality Management.
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The prevalence of condom use among university students in Zimbabwe: implications for planning and policy
Journal of biosocial science 45, no. 05 (2013): 643-659.
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Monitoring and assessing urban encroachment into agricultural land-a remote sensing and GIS based study of Harare, Zimbabwe
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Grief-stricken: Zimbabwean children in everyday extremity and the ethics of research
Anthropology Southern Africa 28, no. 3-4 (2005): 73-77.
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Rural-urban and urban-rural migration flows as indicators of economic opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa: What do the data tell us
Remigios, Mangizvo V, and Kapungu Never.
Urban domestic water crisis in Zimbabwe: the case of Kadoma city.
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 8 (2010): 254-263.
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An Assessment of Multiple Uses of Small Dams, Water Usage and Productivity in the Limpopo Basin
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Sibanda, G, D Musademba, HC Chihobo, and L Zanamwe.
A Feasibility Study of Biogas Technology to Solving Peri-urban Sanitation Problems in Developing Countries. A Case for Harare, Zimbabwe
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Simba, Farai Malvern, Michael Mubvuma, Talent Murwendo, and David Chikodzi.
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Declining tuberculosis case notification rates with the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe
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Timothy, Mutekwa, Matsa Mark, and Kanyati Kudzanai.
Dodging the Potholes: The spatio-distribution and socio-economic impacts of potholes in the residential areas of Gweru, Zimbabwe
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A Situational Analysis of Waste Management in Harare, Zimbabwe.
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Mapping recent built-up area changes in the city of Harare with high resolution satellite imagery
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Wright, James A, Stephen W Gundry, Ronan Conroy, Daniel Wood, Martella Du Preez, Anna Ferro-Luzzi, Bettina Genthe, Misheck Kirimi, Sibonginkosi Moyo, and Charles Mutisi.
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Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 24, no. 1 (2006): 8-16.
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