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General Household Survey 2013
South Africa
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Dec 23, 2014
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Commodification of celebrities’ crimes: the ‘live’ broadcasting of oscar pistorius’ murder trial
French Journal For Media Research , no. 5 (2016).
Skills and Education at a Glance
Addaney, Michael, and Angela Bukenya.
Addressing violence against children in South Africa
Ardington, Cally, and Megan Little.
The Impact of Maternal Death on Children’s Health and Education Outcomes
Saldru Working Paper , no. 184 (2016).
Betz, Stephanie, Silvia Caneva, Ingrid Weiss, and Paul Rowley.
Photovoltaic energy competitiveness and risk assessment for the South African residential sector
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 24, no. 12 (2016): 1577-1591.
Bezuidenhout, Ilandi.
The men by the side of the road: determinants of the wages of day labourers
Master in Economics, North-West University, 2015.
Bisschoff, CA.
An analysis of the reading prowess and its relationship to academic performance of Executive MBA students in South Africa
Bobat, Raziya, Moherndran Archary, Melissa Lawler, Sajeeda Mawlana, Kimesh L Naidoo, Sandra Maphumulo, and Yacoob Coovadia.
The presence and spectrum of bacteria colonising mobile phones of staff and caregivers in high disease burden paediatric and neonatal wards in an urban teaching hospital in Durban, South Africa
(2016) Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Bosch, Tanja.
Uses and Gratifications of Computers in South African Elderly People
Comunicar 23, no. 45 (2015): 9-18.
Bosch, Tanja, and Bronwyn Currin.
Uses and Gratifications of Computers in South African Elderly People
Comunicar 23, no. 45 (2015): 9-18.
Cherry, Jane.
Taking back power in a brutal food system: food sovereignty in South Africa
Chipps, Jennifer, and Mary Ann Jarvis.
Technology-assisted communication in older persons in a residential care facility in South Africa
(2016) Information Development.
Chipps, Jennifer, Christoph Pimmer, Petra Brysiewicz, Fiona Walters, Sebastian Linxen, Thandi Ndebele, and Urs Gröhbiel.
Using mobile phones and social media to facilitate education and support for rural-based midwives in South Africa
Curationis 38, no. 2 (2015): 8.
Chiumbu, Sarah.
Social movements, media practices and radical democracy in South Africa
French Journal For Media Research , no. 4 (2015).
Cichello, Paul, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard.
Winners and losers: South African labour-market dynamics between 2008 and 2010
Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2014): 65-84.
Coetzee, Theo Pieter.
An analysis of housing preferences among middle-income buyers in Potchefstroom
Master of Business Administration, North-West University , 2016.
Cole, Megan.
Is South Africa operating in a safe and just space
: Oxfam research reports, 2015.
Combrink, Hermanus, and Jan Venter.
The influence of employment and occupation on a household's net equity
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 9, no. 3 (2016): 730-748.
Cooper, Nathan John.
After Mazibuko: Exploring the responses of communities excluded from South Africa's water experiment
Journal of African Law 61, no. 1 (2017): 57-81.
Day, Candy, and Andy Gray.
Health and related indicators
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Deveopment, Limpopo Economic.
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Douglas-Jones, P, and JJ Fagan.
Tonsillectomy rates in the South African private healthcare sector
South African Medical Journal 106, no. 11 (2016): 1134-1140.
Du Plessis, Andre.
A functional analysis of the e-WAT with specific focus on the mobile version: Towards a model for improvement
Lexikos 24, no. 1 (2015): 75-93.
Ferreira, Nathan.
Empowerment of parents in early intervention of developmental challenges of pre-school children in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Master thesis, University of South Africa, 2014.
Fintel, Dieter, and Louw Pienaar.
Small-Scale Farming and Food Security: The Enabling Role of Cash Transfers in South Africa's Former Homelands
Fintel, Dieter, and Louw Pienaar.
Small-scale farming and hunger: the enabling role of social assistance programmes in South Africa’s former homelands
2015 International Conference of Agricultural Economists, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy.
Forster, Dion A, and Johann W Oosterbrink.
Where is the church on Monday? Awakening the church to the theology and practice of ministry and mission in the marketplace
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi 49, no. 3 (2015).
Fouche, Elmari.
Well-being of teachers in secondary schools
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Psychology, North-West University, 2015.
Fouche, Elmari, Sebastiaan Snr Rothmann, and Corne Vyver.
Antecedents and outcomes of meaningful work among school teachers
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 43, no. 1 (2017): 1-10.
Fuma, Ayanda.
Why South Africa's energy-poverty policy ignores female well-being: a case of non-decision-making?
Master of Philosophy in Energy and Development Studies, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Fuzy, Elizabeth.
The childbirth experiences of adolescent mothers in the Western Cape
Master of Science in Nursing, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Gama, Nkosinathi, and Lodene Willemse.
A descriptive overview of the education and income levels of domestic workers in post-apartheid South Africa
GeoJournal 80, no. 5 (2014): 1-21.
Goemans, Roxanne.
The Development of the Biogas Industry in South Africa
Master of science, Delft University of Technology, 2017.
Govender, T, P Reddy, and S Ghuman.
Obstetric outcomes and antenatal access among adolescent pregnancies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
(2017) South African Family Practice.
Govender, Trishka.
The impact of access to antenatal care on maternal health outcomes among young adolescents on the North coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Master of Technology, Durban University of Technology, 2016.
Grants, Foster Child.
Income and Social Grants-Children living in poverty
Grobler, Wynand.
Urban food insecurity: A case for conditional cash grants?
: Vanderbijlpark: North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.
Hall, Katharine, Amina Ebrahim, and Ariane De Lannoy.
Youth and mobility: Linking movement to opportunity
(2015) South African Child Gauge.
Harris, Tom, Mark Collinson, and Martin Wittenberg.
Aiming for a moving target: The dynamics of household electricity access in a developing context
Hemson, David.
Water, sanitation and health: South Africa's remaining and existing issues
South African Health Review 2016, no. 1 (2016): 25-34.
Hendriks, SL, A Viljoen, D Marais, F Wenhold, AM McIntyre, MS Ngidi, C Merwe, J Annandale, and M Kalaba.
The current rain-fed and irrigated production of food crops and its potential to meet the -year-round nutritional requirements of rural poor people in North West, Limpopo, Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape
Hendriks, Sheryl L, Corne Merwe, Mjabuliseni S Ngidi, Christopher Manyamba, Mondli Mbele, Angela M McIntyre, Elizabeth Mkandawire, Queeneth N Molefe, Mulalo Q Mphephu, and Lithle Ngwane.
What are we measuring? Comparison of household food security indicators in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Ecology of Food and Nutrition 55, no. 2 (2016): 141-162.
Hermans, C, and WJ Schoeman.
Survey research in practical theology and congregational studies
(2015) Acta Theologica.
Hofmeyr, Jan, and Ayanda Nyoka.
Breaking the Mould. Prospects for radical socio-economic transformation.
Hughes D, Gail.
Integrative medicine in resource constrained communities in South Africa: embracing indigenous knowledge and traditional (herbal) medicine practice
Revista da Associaccao Brasileira de Pesquisadoresas Negrosas (ABPN) 7, no. 16 (2015): 214-235.
Isaacs, Gilad.
The commodification, commercialisation and financialisation of low-cost housing in South Africa
Kakal, Tasneem Aliasgar.
A tale of two sisters: Investigating the socio-economic outcomes of teen childbearing in South Africa
(2015) ISS Working Paper Series/General Series.
Kgantsi, Tselane Rose, Johnny RJ Fontaine, and Michael Temane.
The salience of socially engaging and disengaging emotions among Black and White South Africans
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Kintu, Francis.
Geographic Information Systems and Policy Coordination in a Strategic Spatial Planning
E-Governance and urban policy design.
Kjellson, Alice, and Jenny Svensson.
A Comparative Study of Social, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Paraffin and Wood Pellets Used for Cooking in Low Income Households in South Africa
Klausbruckner, Carmen, Harold Annegarn, Lucas RF Henneman, and Peter Rafaj.
A policy review of synergies and trade-offs in South African climate change mitigation and air pollution control strategies
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Koko, Tumelo Abbey.
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Kotzé, Janeli.
Can pre-grade R be the stepping stone to social equality in South Africa
South African Journal of Childhood Education 5, no. 2 (2015): 1-27.
Kotze, Janeli.
Social gradients, early childhood education and schools performing above the demographic expectation: empirical insights into educational issues
Doctor of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Kotze, Janeli.
The readiness of the South African education system for a pre-Grade R year
Lappeman, James.
Monthly expenditure category fluctuations and trade-off in South Africa bottom of the pyramid households
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2017.
Lategan, Louis Gerhardus.
Informality and sustainability: reflecting on South Africa's informal backyard rental sector from a planning perspective
Philosophiae Doctor in Urban and Regional Planning, North-West University (South Africa), 2017.
Laurenzi, Christina.
Charting Women’s Migration from the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A Perspective from the Village
Master of Science in African Studies, Oxford University, 2015.
Le Roux, Maretha.
Diabetes-related knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of adult patients with type 2 diabetes in the Free State, South Africa
Master of Sciences, University of the Free State, 2016.
Lewandowski, Laura B, Melissa H Watt, Laura E Schanberg, Nathan M Thielman, and Christiaan Scott.
Missed opportunities for timely diagnosis of pediatric lupus in South Africa: a qualitative study
Pediatric Rheumatology 15, no. 1 (2017): 14.
Liccardo, Sabrina.
Re-imagining scientific communities in post-apartheid South Africa: a dialectical narrative of black women’s relational selves and intersectional bodies
Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Lofkvist, Martin.
Corporal Punishment: A study about attitudes and opinions to corporal punishment and the connection to children’s rights in South Africa and Sweden
Master, Dalarna University, 2015.
Magerman, Leah.
Identity and well-being at work: a comparison of the Coloured group with other ethno-cultural groups in South Africa
PhD thesis, University of Johannesburg, 2015.
Magezi, Vhumani.
A proposition for an integrated church and community intervention to adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health challenges
HTS Theological Studies 72, no. 2 (2016): 1-9.
Makhetha, Maureen Tsebeletso.
A policy-making framework for social assistance in South Africa: the case of the Department of Social Development and the South African Social Security Agency
Master of Arts, North-West University, 2015.
Manyaapelo, Thabang, Anam Nyembezi, Robert AC Ruiter, Bart Borne, Sibusiso Sifunda, and Priscilla Reddy.
Understanding the Psychosocial Correlates of the Intention to Use Condoms among Young Men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 4 (2017): 339.
Manyaapelo, Thabang, Robert AC Ruiter, Anam Nyembezi, Bart Borne, Sibusiso Sifunda, and Priscilla Reddy.
The psychosocial determinants of the intention to avoid sexual engagement when intoxicated among young men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Mashapha, Masindi Cecilia.
The implementation of the indigent policy in the City of Tshwane: challenges and options
Master of Development and Management, North-West University, 2015.
Matsebula, Velenkosini, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Socio-economic correlates with the prevalence and onset of diabetes in South Africa: Evidence from the first four waves of the National Income Dynamics Study
Mavhunga, Francis Z, Israel Kibirige, Benard Chigonga, and Manthiba Ramaboka.
Smartphones in public secondary schools: Views of matric graduates
Perspectives in Education 34, no. 3 (2016): 72-85.
Mbembe, Achille.
Apartheid Futures and the Limits of Racial Reconciliation
: Johannesburg: Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2015.
Mercer D, Gareth.
Do fathers care? Measuring mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions of fathers’ involvement in caring for young children in South Africa
PhD thesis, The University of British Columbia, 2015.
Meth, Paula, and Sarah Charlton.
Men’s experiences of state sponsored housing in South Africa: emerging issues and key questions
Housing Studies 32, no. 4 (2017): 470-490.
Mkwananzi, Sibusiso, and Clifford Odimegwu.
Poverty-An Explanation for Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa?
Review of Development Economics.
Mograbi, Penelope Jane.
Spatio-temporal dynamics of woody vegetation structure in a human-modified South African savanna
Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Mojapelo, Maredi Samuel.
(Re) thinking and (re) positioning library programmes and services in public high schools in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Mousaion 34, no. 3 (2016): 60-88.
Mosley, Elizabeth A, and Elizabeth King.
Abortion in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Exploring Gender, Racial, and Socioeconomic Inequities
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan , 2015.
Moyo, Lungile.
Public relations via Twitter: an analysis of South African commercial organisations
Master of Arts, University of Cape Town, 2015.
Mudzengi, Don Lawrence.
Factors associated with concurrent consultation of primary health care clinics and other providers by TB patients and HIV patients
Master of Science in Epidemiology, University of Pretoria, 2016.
Muller, Gustav.
Proposing a way to develop the substantive content of the right of access to adequate housing: an alternative to the reasonableness review model
Southern African Public Law 30, no. 1 (2015): 71-93.
Munzhelele, Priscilla.
Evaluation of the production systems and constraints of smallholder pig farming in three agro-ecological zones of Mpumalanga province, South Africa
Master of Sciences in Agriculture, University of South Africa, 2015.
Muriithi, Gerald M, and Muthoni Masinde.
Cloud SAMS: Cloud computing solution for public schools within South Africa's ‘second economy’
IST-Africa Week Conference, 2016.
Mxoli, Avuya, Nicky Mostert-Phipps, and Mariana Gerber.
Personal health records in the South African healthcare landscape: a socio-technical analysis
8th International Development Informatics Association Conference.
Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 2014.
Nainkin, Simon.
A national study of smartphone adoption factors in South Africa
Master of Business Administration, Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Nel, M, and WJ Schoeman.
Empirical research and congregational analysis: Some methodological guidelines for the South African context
(2015) Acta Theologica.
Nell, Werner.
The religious lives of students at a South African university
HTS Theological Studies 72, no. 1 (2016): 1-11.
Ngidi, Mjabuliseni SC, and Sheryl L Hendriks.
Coping with Food Insecurity in Rural South Africa: The Case of Jozini, KwaZulu-Natal
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 25 (2014): 278-289.
Niekerk A, Anton.
Three Ethical Issues in the Development of Public Genetic Health Policies in Africa
(2015) Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research.
Niesing, CM, S Van Der Merwe, and DM Potgieter.
The Impact of Income-Generating Projects on Stimulating the Development of Entrepreneurial Activities in Communities: The Holding Hands Case
International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs 1, no. 1 (2016): 36-46.
Niranjan, N, and S Knight.
An education intervention to improve oral health knowledge and behaviour in learners: A cluster randomized controlled trial
South African Dental Journal 72, no. 4 (2017): 167-172.
Nwafor, Christopher Ugochukwu.
Prospects of commercialization among small scale potato farmers in Bizana
Master in Technology , Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa , 2015.
Obuaku-Igwe C, Chinwe.
Health Inequality in South Africa: A Systematic Review
African Sociological Review 19, no. 2 (2015): 96-131.
Ogujiuba, Chinelo.
Profiling the French community in the Western Cape, South Africa: evidences from an innovative survey
Masters in Population Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2016.
Ojo, Oluwatobi Blessing, Siaka Lougue, and Woldegebriel Assefa Woldegerima.
Bayesian generalized linear mixed modeling of Tuberculosis using informative priors
PloS One 12, no. 3 (2017): e0172580.
Olivier, Jako.
Sesotho Online: Establishing an internet-based language knowledge community
South African Journal of African Languages 36, no. 2 (2016): 141-152.
Oluwatayo, Isaac B, and Ayodeji O Ojo.
Determinants of Access to Education and ICT in Nigeria
literacy 9, no. 4 (2017): 153-163.
Omomowo, Kolawole Emmanuel.
The lords of poverty? Micro-credit institutions and social reproduction in South Africa
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology , University of the Western Cape , 2015.
Pan, Sophia.
'What is to be sustained for whom?': Equity as a key to sustainable sanitation in South African informal settlements
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Phaahla, Letuku Elias.
Social Forces, State Pensions, and Welfare State-Building in South Africa and Mauritius
Doctor of Philosophy , Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Philander, Theresa-Anne.
Low-cost housing in Witzenberg local municipality
Master in Public Administration, University of South Africa, 2017.
Pienaar, Louw, and Lulama Traub.
Understanding the smallholder farmer in South Africa: Towards a sustainabile livelihoods classification
Rafferty, Benjamin.
Shaky structures on solid foundation: the impact of low-income state-subsidised housing on the realisation of the right to adequate housing in post-apartheid South Africa
Master of Science, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Rambau P, Ndivhuwo.
Levels and determinants of voluntary abortion in South Africa
Master of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Renaud, Karen, Stephen Flowerday, Lotfi Othmane, and Melanie Volkamer.
“I Am Because We Are”: Developing and Nurturing an African Digital Security Culture
Roos, Anneliese.
African Data Privacy Laws
(2016) Data Protection Law in South Africa.
Savahl, Shazly, Sabirah Adams, Serena Isaacs, Gaironeesa Hendricks, Arnold Matzdorff, Cassandra Wagenaar, Lameez Abrahams, and Rose September.
Children’s Worlds National Report South Africa
Schoeman J, Willem.
South African religious demography: The 2013 General Household Survey
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73, no. 2 (2017): 1-7.
Seabe, Dineo, and Ronelle Burger.
Building bridges or deepening divides: Resources and formal volunteering in post-apartheid South Africa
Seepamore, Boitumelo Khothatso.
Distance parenting-implications for social work practice
Social Work 52, no. 4 (2016): 571-588.
Sekyere, O Tshitiza, and T Hart.
Levering m-governance innovations for active citizenship engagement
(2016) Human Sciences Research Council.
Skelton, Ann.
S v Williams: a springboard for further debate about corporal punishment: part III: reflections on themes in Justice Langa's judgments
Acta Juridica 2015, no. 1 (2015): 336-359.
Snow, K, AC Hesseling, P Naidoo, SM Graham, J Denholm, and K Preez.
Tuberculosis in adolescents and young adults: epidemiology and treatment outcomes in the Western Cape
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 21, no. 6 (2017): 651-657.
Spaull, Nicholas, Servaas Berg, Gabrielle Wills, Martin Gustafsson, and Janeli Kotze.
Laying Firm foundations: Getting reading right
Stassen, Willem, Craig Wylie, and Robyn Holgate.
An online learning programme improves traumatic brain injury guideline adherence in a South African Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
African Journal of Emergency Medicine 5, no. 4 (2015): 171-175.
Staunton, Ciara.
Informed consent for HIV cure research in South Africa: issues to consider
BMC Medical Ethics 16, no. 1 (2015): 3.
Tabana, Hanani, Lilian D Dudley, Stephen Knight, Neil Cameron, Hassan Mahomed, Charlyn Goliath, Rudolf Eggers, and Charles S Wiysonge.
The acceptability of three vaccine injections given to infants during a single clinic visit in South Africa
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Tawodzera, Godfrey.
Local Food Geographies The Nature and Extent of Food Insecurity in South Africa
Taylor, Nick, and Jennifer Shindler.
Education Sector Landscape Mapping: South Africa
Teka Tsegay, Yared, Masiiwa Rusare, and Rashmi Mistry.
Hidden Hunger in South Africa: The faces of hunger and malnutrition in a food-secure nation
(2014) Policy & Practice.
Van Heerden, JA, JR Burger, and JJ Gerber.
Inappropriate medicine prescribing in older South Africans: A cross-sectional analysis of medicine claims data
SAMJ: South African Medical Journal 106, no. 10 (2016): 1010-1016.
Van Wyk, Hamish.
Are recipients of the South African Child Support Grant at a higher risk of developing diabetes?: original
South African Journal of Diabetes 9, no. 1 (2016): 17-21.
Veriava, Faranaaz.
Promoting effective enforcement of the prohibition against corporal punishment in South African schools
: PULP, 2014.
Von Backstrom, Marelise.
Exploring family functioning from a family resilience perspective
Master of Educational Psychology, University of Pretoria, 2015.
Wandai, Muchiri, and Candy Day.
Trends in risk factors for non-communicable diseases in South Africa
(2015) Durban: Health Systems Trust.
Wegner, Liezel, and Anthea Rhoda.
The influence of cultural beliefs on the utilisation of rehabilitation services in a rural South African context: therapists' perspective: original research
African Journal of Disability 4, no. 1 (2015): 1-8.
Zungu, Nozipho.
Assessing nutritional quality and consumer acceptability of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP)-based snacks for improved children's food and nutrition security
Master of Agriculture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017.
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