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Showing 2251-2280 of 8732
Journal Article
Mans, Dennis RA, Farida L Chitanie, and Martinus A Vrede.
The incidence of malignancies of the female urogenital system in the Republic of Suriname from 1980 through
(2011) Academic Journal of Suriname.
Journal Article
Hiwat, Helene, Loretta S Hardjopawiro, Willem Takken, and Leopoldo Villegas.
Novel strategies lead to pre-elimination of malaria in previously high-risk areas in Suriname, South America
Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 10.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harry, Kervin Codric.
Identification of Problems and Possible Solutions in Communicating the Gospel to the Saramaccan Maroons of the Upper Suriname River
Master of Theology, South African Theological Seminary, 2013.
Journal Article
Larye, Stephanie, Hedwig Goede, and Francoise Barten.
Moving toward universal access to health and universal health coverage: a review of comprehensive primary health care in Suriname
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 37, no. 6 (2015): 415-421.
Working Paper
Franses, Philip Hans.
Return migration of high skilled workers: The case of Suriname
Journal Article
Laryea, Stephanie, Hedwig Goede, and Francoise Barten.
Avanzando hacia el acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal de salud: un analisis de la atencion primaria de salud integral en Suriname
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 37, no. 6 (2015): 415-422.
Croatia: Public Finance Review, Restructuring Spending for Stability and Growth
: The World Bank, 2014.
Working Paper
Tonon, Graciela.
Quality of Life in Argentina
(2012) Handbook of social indicators and quality of life research.
Journal Article
Linhart, Christine, Isimeli Tukana, Sophia Lin, Richard Taylor, Stephen Morrell, Penina Vatucawaqa, Dianna J Magliano, and Paul Zimmet.
Declines and plateaux in smoking prevalence over three decades in Fiji
(2016) Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
Grimm, Michael, and Isabel Gunther.
How to achieve pro-poor growth in a poor economy. The case of Burkina Faso
Journal Article
Ngwangwama, Matthias Mpareke, Marius Ungerer, and John Morrison.
An exploratory study of key success factors for business success of companies in the Namibian Tertiary Industry
International Journal of Innovations in Business 2, no. 6 (2013): 604-629.
Journal Article
Gurung, Anup, Rahul Karki, Ju Sik Cho, Kyung Won Park, and Sang-Eun Oh.
Roles of renewable energy technologies in improving the rural energy situation in Nepal: Gaps and opportunities
(2013) Energy policy.
Working Paper
Bajracharya, Gyanendra.
The Influence of Socio-economic Variables on Female Labour Force Participation in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Adhikari, Tej Prasad, Fatik Bahadur Thapa, Sonam Tamrakar, Prakash Buda Magar, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, and Babken Babajanian.
How does social protection contribute to social inclusion in Nepal
Thesis or Dissertation
Rafferty, Benjamin.
Shaky structures on solid foundation: the impact of low-income state-subsidised housing on the realisation of the right to adequate housing in post-apartheid South Africa
Master of Science, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Rajkarnikar, Pushpa Raj.
Adequacy and effectiveness of logistic services in Nepal: Implication for export performance
Donini, Antonio, and Jeevan Raj Sharma.
Humanitarian Agenda 2015: Nepal Country Case Study
Journal Article
Namulanda, Victor Wanjala.
The Analysis of HIV/AIDs Trend at Mary Immaculate VCT Nairobi-Kenya: Ten Years Evaluation Report, 2013.
Clinical Social Work 5, no. 2 (2014): 87-94.
Working Paper
Fernandez, Cristina, and Leonardo Villar.
The impact of lowering the payroll tax on informality in Colombia
(2016) Fedesarrollo.
Mbembe, Achille.
Apartheid Futures and the Limits of Racial Reconciliation
: Johannesburg: Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2015.
Working Paper
Fernandez, Cristina, and Leonardo Villar.
The Impact of Lowering the Payroll Tax in Colombia
Thesis or Dissertation
Kluger, Claudia.
Informality in transformation? Factors for Informal Employment in the Chilean Labor Market 1994-2011.
Master of Arts, Universitat Wien, 2013.
Journal Article
Anh, Dang Nguyen.
Rural-to-urban migration in Vietnam: Trend and institutions
VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 3, no. 2 (2017): 158-170.
Working Paper
Phuong, Hoang.
The Effect of Social Networks on Labour Market Outcome among Migrants in Vietnam
Journal Article
Giesecke, James, and Nhi Hoang Tran.
A general framework for measuring VAT compliance rates
Applied Economics 44, no. 15 (2012): 1867-1889.
Working Paper
Kilimani, Nicholas.
Vulnerability to climatic variability: An assessment of drought prevalence on water resources availability and implications for the Ugandan economy
Book Section
Dubin, Adam, and David Lawson.
What Works for Africa’s Poorest: Programmes and policies for the extreme poor
(2017) Access to justice for the very poorest and marginalized in Uganda.
Book Section
Libbert, Travis, Kritika Saxena, Julius Ecuru, Dick Kawooya, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent.
The Global Innobation Index
(2017) Enhancing Innovation in the Ugandan Agri-Food Sector: Progress, Constraints, and Possibilities.
Working Paper
Gollin, Douglas, and Christopher Udry.
Heterogeneity, Measurement Error, and Misallocation: Evidence from African Agriculture
Journal Article
Gachanja, Grace, and Gary J Burkholder.
A model for HIV disclosure of a parent’s and/or a child’s illness
(2016) PeerJ.
Showing 2251-2280 of 8732