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Showing 31-60 of 132
Journal Article
Adjah, Ebenezer Owusu S, and Andrie G Panayiotou.
Impact of malaria related messages on insecticide-treated net (ITN) use for malaria prevention in Ghana
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 123.
Journal Article
Laryea, Dennis Odai, Emmanuel Abbeyquaye Parbie, and Ebenezer Frimpong.
Timeliness of childhood vaccine uptake among children attending a tertiary health service facility-based immunisation clinic in Ghana
BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 90.
Journal Article
Yakubu, Jamila, Dana Benyas, Sarah Vandy Emil, Ebenezer Amekah, Richard Adanu, and Cheryl A Moyer.
It’s for the greater good: perspectives on maltreatment during labor and delivery in rural Ghana
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 4, no. 07 (2014): 383-390.
Journal Article
Nikoi, Ebenezer, and Peter Anthamatten.
Childhood anaemia in Ghana: an examination of associated socioeconomic and health factors
African Geographical Review 33, no. 1 (2014): 19-35.
Journal Article
Anafi, Patricia, Wisdom Kwadwo Mprah, and Ebenezer Asiamah.
HIV/AIDS Stigma and Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Rural Ghana
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 34, no. 3 (2014): 269-282.
Journal Article
Chiaraah, Anthony, and Ebenezer Owusu-Sekyere.
Utilization drop-out of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine among pregnant women in North Western Ghana
Science Journal of Public Health 2, no. 3 (2014): 156-164.
Journal Article
Owusu-Addo, Sally B, Ebenezer Owusu-Addo, and Emmanuel SK Morhe.
Health information-seeking behaviours among pregnant teenagers in Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, Ghana
(2016) Midwifery.
Journal Article
Tabb, Zachary, Kathleen Moriarty, Madeleine W Schrier, Ebenezer Amekan, Timothy P Flanigan, and Margaret Lartey.
Assessing acceptability and feasibility of provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling in Ghana.
Rhode Island Medical Journal 100, no. 8 (2017): 19-22.
Journal Article
Nikoi, Ebenezer GA.
Cultural and Geographical Influences on Underweight Prevalence among Preschoolers in Ghana
(2017) Geographical Review.
Book Section
Owusu-Sekyere, Ebenezer, and Issaka Kanton Osumanu.
Selected Themes in African Development Studies
(2014) Contextual Issues in Health Care Financing in Africa: Drawing on the Ghanaian Experience.
Journal Article
Owusu-Sekyere, Ebenezer, and Daniel A Bagah.
Towards a sustainable health care financing in Ghana: is the national health insurance the solution?
Public Health Research 4, no. 5 (2014): 185-194.
Working Paper
Kumar, Manoj, Tushar Agarwal, Sudarshan Khokhar, Manoj Kumar, Punit Kaur, Tara Sankar Roy, and Rima Dada.
Mutation screening and genotype phenotype correlation of alpha-crystallin, gamma-crystallin and GJA8 gene in congenital cataract
(2011) Molecular vision.
Journal Article
Dada, SA.
On the survival of bi-/multilingualism in Erushu community
Pakistan Journal of Social Science 5, no. 1 (2008): 104-110.
Journal Article
Falade, C.O., O. Olayemi, H.O. Dada-Adegbola, C.O. Aimakhu, O.G. Ademowo, and L.A. Salako.
Prevalence of malaria at booking among antenatal clients in a secondary health care facility in Ibadan, Nigeria
African Journal of Reproductive Health 12, no. 2 (2009): 141-152.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ruiz H, Nancy.
Detección y análisis de subcentros de empleo: el caso de Bogotá D.C.
Master thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010.
Journal Article
Valdiviezo, Luis Wong.
Salud y educación primaria e instituciones, implicancias en el desarrollo de la competitividad del Perú en el período 2007-2011
Contabilidad y Negocios 8, no. 15 (2013): 57-76.
Journal Article
Miera-Juárez, Belén Sáenz, Jorge Alberto Jiménez-Ruiz, Luz Myriam Reynales-Shigematsu, Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, and Mauricio Hernández-Ávila.
El consumo de tabaco en los hogares mexicanos, 1994-2005
(2007) Salud Pública de México.
Working Paper
Székely, Miguel.
Es posible un México con menor pobreza y desigualdad
Journal Article
De la Rosa Mendoza, Juan Ramiro, Lilia Romero Amayo, and Alma Araceli Pérez Servín.
Importancia y crecimiento de las remesas
(2005) El Cotidiano.
Conference Paper
Monteverde, Malena, Kenya Noronha, Alberto Palloni, and Karina Angeletti.
Costos Individuales Esperados de Cuidados de Larga Duración en Buenos Aires, México y Puerto Rico
III Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población, ALAP, realizado en Córdoba –Argentina, del 24 al 26 de Septiembre de 2008.
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, and Hélia Nsthandoca Dezimahata Lory.
Um Formulàrio Simples da Puntuacão da Pobreza para o Moçambique
Careti, Giovanni Lauri, Eslie De Rubio, Rozío Del R. Ramírez Santamaria, Ingrid Saenz, and Jehudi Rodriguez.
Punto focal nacional del plan de accion pacifico sudeste
Working Paper
Souza Júnior, José Castro R, and Sidney M Caetano.
Produto Potencial como Ferramenta de Análise da Política Monetária e da Capacidade de Crescimento da Economia Brasileira
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) , no. 1881 (2013).
Working Paper
Guimarães, Raquel Meireles R, Moema Bueno G Fígoli, and Ana Hermeto M Camilo de Oliveira.
Permanência na Precariedade e no Trabalho Decente: Um Modelo Multiestado para as Transições Segundo a Qualidade da Ocupação para o Brasil Metropolitano (2003-2007)
Thesis or Dissertation
Dias C, Júnior.
Efeitos Distributivos do Salário Mínimo no Brasil Recente: Recortes Segundo a Posição na Ocupação
Título de Mestre , Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pinzón Segura, Angélica María.
La responsabilidad social empresarial en la Política Nacional de Primera Infancia: programa gestantes y lactantes de la Fundación Éxito (2006-2014)
Politóloga, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vargas Rojas, Marlyn Vanessa.
Efectos Macroeconómicos del Desplazamiento Forzado en Colombia: Un Análisis desde Karl Marx y Amartya Sen
Universidad del Valle, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rocha F, Luis Nascimento.
Nível de Maturidade das PME: Melhores Práticas de Gestão no Alinhamento Estratégico dos SI/TI com o Negócio
Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Portucalense, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ferrer, Luis Gabriel.
Necesidad de implementación de protocolos y procedimientos de autoprotección para personas VIP en Colombia
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2015.
Journal Article
Nova, Surani Silva.
El concepto de política en personeros estudiantiles de colegios oficiales de Villavicencio (Colombia)
Psicología Desde el Caribe , no. 27 (2011).
Showing 31-60 of 132