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Showing 1-30 of 76
Working Paper
Heuler-Neuhaus, Werner.
Bodenknappheit, Bodendegradation und Ressourcenschutz im Lichte von Bevolkerungsentwicklung, Bevolkerungsstruktur, Migration und traditionellem Bodenrecht
Journal Article
Segura-Garcia, Virginia, Enrique A Cantoral-Uriza, Isabel Israde, and Nora Maidana.
Diatomeas epiliticas como indicadores de la calidad del agua en la cuenca alta del rio Lerma, Mexico
Hidrobiologica 22, no. 1 (2012): 16-27.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nkengurutse, Jacques.
Contribution a l’etude de la microflore ectomycorrhizienne associee aux plantations d’essences exotiques du Burundi
Master en Sciences, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012.
Journal Article
Martin-Prevel, Yves, Elodie Becquey, Sylvestre Tapsoba, Florence Castan, Dramane Coulibaly, Sonia Fortin, Mahama Zoungrana, Matthias Lange, Francis Delpeuch, and Mathilde Savy.
The 2008 food price crisis negatively affected household food security and dietary diversity in urban Burkina Faso
The Journal of nutrition 142, no. 9 (2012): 1748-1755.
Book Section
Hoffmann-Lange, Ursula.
Democracy Under scrutiny: Elites, citizens, cultures
(2010) The salience of the socio-economic cleavage in old and new democracies.
Journal Article
Dronkers, Jaap, and Marloes Lange.
Is er een toenemende negatieve relatie tussen alleenstaande moedergezinnen en onderwijsprestaties bij stijgende percentages eenoudergezinnen? Een vergelijking van PISA 2000, 2003 en 2009
Tijdschrift voor Sociologie , no. 3-4 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
De Lange, Zelda.
The association between alcohol consumption, PAI-1 activity and fibrinogen concentration in black South Africans
Masters, North-West University, 2010.
Journal Article
Lange, Nadene, Leatitia Greyling, and Glenise Leslie.
What do we know about the perception educators have of HIV/AIDS and its impact on the holistic development of adolescent learners?
International journal of Adolescence and Youth 12, no. 1-2 (2005): 29-48.
Van der Gaag, Jacques, Joep Lange, Tanimola Akande, Berber Kramer, Judith Lammers, Tobias Lechtenfeld, Andrea Liang, Jos Rooijakkers, and Constance Schultsz.
Impact Evaluation of HIF-supported Health Insurance projects in Nigeria:
Lange, Glenn-Marie, and Daniel J Motinga.
The contribution of resource rents from minerals and fisheries to sustainable economic development in Namibia
: Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 1997.
Journal Article
Lange, Glenn-Marie.
An approach to sustainable water management using natural resource accounts: The use of water, the economic value of water, and implications for policy
(1997) Research Discussion Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Karasek, Nikolas.
Afroecuadorianer in Ecuador-die verschwiegene Ethnie
Magister, Universitätsbibliothek Wien, 2011.
Journal Article
Mutwa, Philippe R, Kimberly R Boer, Brenda Asiimwe-Kateera, Diane Tuyishimire, Narcisse Muganga, Joep MA Lange, Janneke Wijgert, Anita Asiimwe, Peter Reiss, and Sibyl PM Geelen.
Safety and Effectiveness of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy during the First Year of Treatment in HIV-1 Infected Rwandan Children: A Prospective Study
PloS One 9, no. 11 (2014).
Working Paper
Andrésson, Daniel, and Simon Leufstedt.
Venezuela och det svarta guldet En fallstudie om oljans påverkan på Venezuelas demokrati
Journal Article
Touati, Oumelkhir.
Les ingenieurs en Algerie de l’epoque coloniale a la crise des annees 1990: approche socio-historique d’un metier
L’Annee du Maghreb , no. V (2009).
Journal Article
Lange, Glenn-Marie.
Wealth, natural capital, and sustainable development: contrasting examples from Botswana and Namibia
Environmental and Resource Economics 29, no. 3 (2004): 257-283.
Working Paper
Arcand, Jean-Louis, and Matthias Rieger.
Parental height and the sex ratio
(2010) IHEID Working Papers, The Graduate Institute.
Aryeetey, Cecilia, Fabian Barthel, Matthias Busse, Carolin Loehr, and Robert Osei.
Empirical study on the determinants and pro-development impacts of foreign direct investment in Ghana
Hamburg, Germany: German Ministry for Economic Cooperation, 2008.
Journal Article
Fenner, Lukas, and Matthias Egger.
Preventing HIV in resource-limited settings: evidence for action, from cross-sectional surveys
International journal of epidemiology 37, no. 6 (2008): 1201-1203.
Working Paper
Matz, Julia Anna, Matthias Kalkuhl, and Getachew Ahmed Abegaz.
The Short-term Impact of Price Shocks on Food Security-Evidence from Urban and Rural Ethiopia
Working Paper
Mazzeo, John, and Matthias Davier.
Review of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Test Design: Recommendations for Fostering Stability in Assessment Results
(2008) Education Working Papers EDU/PISA/GB (2008).
Journal Article
Ebenau, Matthias.
„Recht und Entwicklung“ bei der Weltbank: Eine Kritik
Peripherie 125, no. 32 (2012): 43-66.
Conference Paper
Staudigel, Matthias.
The Demand For Food Quality In Russia And Its Linkage To Obesity
115th Joint EAAE/AAEA Seminar.
Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, September 15-17, 2010.
Working Paper
Schündeln, Matthias.
Modeling Firm Dynamics to Identify the Cost of Financing Constraints in Ghanaian Manufacturing
Journal Article
Barthel, Fabian, Matthias Busse, and Robert Osei.
The characteristics and determinants of fdi in Ghana
(2011) European Journal of Development Research.
Working Paper
Zdunnek, Gabriele, Dorothee Dinkelaker, Britt Kalla, Gertraud Matthias, Rebecca Szrama, and Katrin.
Child Labour and Children’s Economic Activities in Agriculture in Ghana
Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development (SLE) , no. 233 (2008).
Journal Article
Thame, Minerva M, Maria D Jackson, Inger P Manswell, Clive Osmond, and Matthias G Antoine.
Weight retention within the puerperium in adolescents: a risk factor for obesity?
Public health nutrition 13, no. 02 (2009): 283-288.
Working Paper
Luecke, Matthias, Toman Omar Mahmoud, and Andreas Steinmayr.
Labour migration and remittances in Moldova: Is the boom over
(2009) International Organization for Migration.
Working Paper
Arcand, Jean L, Aude S Rodella-Boitreaud, and Matthias Rieger.
(2011) Econstor.
Journal Article
Kit, Oleksandr, Matthias Lüdeke, and Diana Reckien.
Defining the bull's eye: satellite imagery-assisted slum population assessment in Hyderabad, India
Urban geography 34, no. 3 (2013): 413-424.
Showing 1-30 of 76