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Population and Housing Census 2004
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Department of Statistics (DOS)
Created on
Sep 29, 2011
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Ababneh, Anas M, Ali M Almomani, Abdalmajeid M Alyassin, and Zaid Q Ababneh.
Distribution of Natural and Anthropogenic Radionuclides in Heavy Rainfall Areas in Jordan
(2011) Radiation Protection Dosimetry.
Ababneh, Anas M, Maisoun S Masa'deh, Zaid Q Ababneh, Mufeed A Awawdeh, and Abdalmajeid M Alyassin.
Radioactivity Concentrations in Soil and Vegetables from the Northern Jordan Rift Valley and the Corresponding Dose Estimates
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 134, no. 1 (2009): 30-37.
Ababsa, Myriam.
Social Disparities and Public Policies in Amman.
(2011) HAL.
Abu-Dieyeh, Mohammed H, and Yassmin S Ratrout.
Seasonal Variation of Airborne Pollen Grains in the Atmosphere of Zarqa Area, Jordan
Aerobiologia 28, no. 4 (2012): 527-539.
Abu-Ghazaleh, S. B, G. Burnside, and A. Milosevic.
The Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors for Tooth Wear and Dental Erosion in 15-to 16-year-old Schoolchildren in Amman, Jordan
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 14, no. 1 (2013): 21-27.
Ahmad, Muayyad.
Exploring the less Privileged Population’s Knowledge and Awareness about Cancer in Jordan
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 18, no. 1 (2014): 321-329.
Ahmad, Muayyad M, Latefa A Dardas, and Huthaifa Ahmad.
Cancer Prevention and Care: A National Sample from Jordan
Journal of Cancer Education 30, no. 2 (2014): 301-311.
Ahram, Mamoun, Areej Othman, and Manal Shahrouri.
Public Support and Consent Preference for Biomedical Research and Biobanking in Jordan
European Journal of Human Genetics 21, no. 5 (2012): 567-570.
Ahram, Mamoun, Majd Soubani, Lana Abu Salem, Haneen Saker, and Muayyad Ahmad.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Regarding Genetic Testing and Genetic Counselors in Jordan: A Population-Based Survey
Journal of genetic counseling 24, no. 6 (2015): 1001-1010.
Akhu-Zaheya, Laila M, Madi T Jagbir, Areej Othman, and Mamoun Ahram.
Media Use for Seeking Health/Cancer-Related Information: Findings from Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Cancer Prevention and Care Survey in Jordan
International Journal of Nursing Practice 20, no. 6 (2013): 608-615.
Al-Azhari, Wael, and Sonia Al-Najjar.
Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Amman's Land Topography on Sustainable Buildings
Third International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–III).
Bangkok, Thailand, July 4-6, 2012.
Al-Habees A, Mahmoud.
Determination of the Residential Housing Needs Expected for Cities of Jordan Within the Period of 2014-2024
Management Science and Engineering 6, no. 2 (2012): 130-139.
Al-Habees, Mahmoud A, and Hamza K Al-khadaam.
Urban Poverty in Jordan: A Case Study of the Cities of the Southern Territory of Jordan
Ozean Journal of Social Science 5, no. 2 (2012): 59-72.
Al-Nsour, Mohannad, Meyasser Zindah, Adel Belbeisi, Raja Hadaddin, David W Brown, and Henry Walke.
Prevalence of Selected Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors in Jordan: Results of the 2007 Jordan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
(2012) Preventing Chronic Disease.
Almasad, Jamal, Abdullah A Awidi, Adel Belbeisi, and Diana Massad.
The Use of Mammography among Jordanian Women: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2007
J. Med J. 43, no. 1 (2009): 33-43.
Alnsour A, Jamal.
Illegal Housing in Jordan
Jordan Journal of Social Sciences 4, no. 3 (2011): 339-354.
Arouri, Fathi.
Irregular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2007
CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 71 (2008).
Arouri A, Fathi.
Non-Jordanians Working in Jordan
CARIM - Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 05 (2007).
Arouri A, Fathi.
Unemployment in Jordan
CARIM - Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 03 (2007).
Assaad, Ragui.
The Jordanian Labour Market in the New Millennium
United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Assayed, Almoayied, Zaid Hatokay, Rania Al-Zoubi, Shadi Azzam, Mohammad Qbailat, Ahmad Al-Ulayyan, Shadi Bushnaq, and Robert Maroni.
On-site Rainwater Harvesting to Achieve Household Water Security among Rural and Peri-urban Communities in Jordan
(2013) Resources, Conservation and Recycling.
Athamneh B, Abdel.
Gender and Migration in and from Jordan
CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 22 (2011).
Athamneh B, Abdel.
General Overview of Migration Into, from and through Jordan
CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 03 (2012).
Belbeisi, Adel, Mohannad Al Nsour, Anwar Batieha, David W Brown, and Henry T Walke.
A surveillance summary of smoking and review of tobacco control in Jordan
Globalization and health 5, no. 1 (2009).
Dang, Hai-Anh, and Umar Serajuddin.
Updating Poverty Estimates at Frequent Intervals: Preliminary Results from Jordan
De Bel-Air, Francoise.
Highly-skilled Migration from Jordan: A Response to Socio-political Challenges
CARIM - Analytic and Synthetic Notes , no. 12 (2010).
De Bel-Air, Francoise.
Iraqis in Jordan Since 2003: What Socio-Political Stakes?
El-Said, Hamed, and James E Rauch.
Education, Political Participation, and Islamist Parties: The Case of Jordan's Islamic Action Front
The Middle East Journal 69, no. 1 (2015): 51-73.
El-Salem, Khalid, Ehsan Al-Shimmery, Khalid Horany, Ali Al-Refai, Kefah Al-Hayk, and Yousef Khader.
Multiple sclerosis in Jordan: a clinical and epidemiological study
Journal of neurology 253, no. 9 (2006): 1210-1216.
Gao X, Eleanor.
Diverse but not Divisive: Tribal Diversity and Public Goods Provision in Jordan
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, 2012.
Haddad, Linda G, Sukaina Al-Zyoud, Nesrin A Baker, Huda Gharaibeh, Omar El Shahawy, and Raed Alramadhani.
Secondhand Smoking in Jordan: Clearing the Air for One of the Highest Tobacco Prevalence Countries in the Middle East
(2011) Tobacco Use Insights.
Hamaideh, Arwa, Emad K Al-Karablieh, Amer Salman, and Faten O Al--Najjar.
Consumer's Participatory Approach in Municipal Water Demand Management for Greater Amman
Hamasha, Khadeejeh M, and Patrick W Arnott.
Photoacoustic measurements of black carbon light absorption coefficients in Irbid city, Jordan
Environmental monitoring and assessment 166, no. 1-4 (2010): 485-494.
Hayajneh, Wail A, Adel Balbeesi, and Samir Faouri.
Hepatitis A Virus Age-specific Sero-prevalence and Risk Factors among Jordanian Children
Journal of Medical Virology 87, no. 4 (2015): 569-574.
Hennings, Mattis.
The Migration and Development Nexus: A Case Study of Jordan since the 1950s
Senior Honors Thesis, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013.
Istaiteyeh, Rasha.
Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level
(2012) Jordan’s Higher Education Exports and Circular Migration.
Jabery, Mohammad AL.
The Practicum in Special Education: The Experience of the Counseling and Special Education Program at the University of Jordan
Jaghbir, M., S. Shreif, and M. Ahram.
Pattern of Cigarette and Waterpipe Smoking in the Adult Population of Jordan
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 20, no. 9 (2014): S29-S37.
Jaradat, Aiman, and Omar Al-khashman.
Evaluation of the Potential use of Municipal Solid Waste for Recovery Options: A Case of Ma’an City, Jordan
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 5, no. 1 (2013): 9-15.
Madanat, Hala, Steven R Hawks, and Heidi N Angeles.
Obesity and Body Size Preferences of Jordanian Women
(2011) Health Education & Behavior.
Madanat, Hala N, Ralph B Brown, and Steven R Hawks.
The Impact of Body Mass Index and Western Advertising and Media on Eating Style, Body Image and Nutrition Transition among Jordanian Women
Public Health Nutrition 10, no. 10 (2007): 1039-1046.
Merrill, R. M, H. N Madanat, E. Cox, and J. M Merrill.
Perceived Effectiveness of Counselling Patients about Smoking among Medical Students in Amman, Jordan
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée Orientale 15, no. 5 (2009): 1180-1191.
Merrill, Ray M, Hala Madanat, and Alan T Kelley.
Smoking Prevalence, Attitudes, and Perceived Smoking Prevention and Control Responsibilities and Practices among Nurses in Amman, Jordan
International Journal of Nursing Practice 16, no. 6 (2010): 624-632.
Nasser, Lamis.
Economic, Social, Political and Psychological Implications on Jordanian Women Married to Non-Jordanians and Their Families
Nichols, E. K, I. D. M Khatib, N. J Aburto, K. M Sullivan, K. S Scanlon, J. P Wirth, and M. K Serdula.
Vitamin D Status and Determinants of Deficiency among Non-pregnant Jordanian Women of Reproductive Age
(2012) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Potter, Robert B, Khadija Darmame, Nasim Barham, and Stephen Nortcliff.
“Ever-growing Amman”, Jordan: Urban Expansion, Social Polarisation and Contemporary Urban Planning Issues
Habitat International 33, no. 1 (2009): 81-92.
Qaddoumi, Ibrahim, Najeeb Ezam, Maisa Swaidan, Imad Jaradat, Asem Mansour, Najyah Abuirmeileh, Eric Bouffet, and Maysa Al-Hussaini.
Diffuse Pontine Glioma in Jordan and Impact of Up-front Prognosis Disclosure With Parents and Families
Journal of Child Neurology 24, no. 4 (2009): 460-465.
Rashad, Hoda.
The tempo and intensity of marriage in the Arab region: Key challenges and their implications
DIFI Family Research and Proceedings 2015, no. 1 (2015).
Riepl, D., L. Wolf, and H. Hoetzl.
Making Informed Decisions - A Collaborative and Knowledge Based IWRM Planning Exercise in WadiShueib, Jordan
Rosenberg, David E, Tarek Tarawneh, Rania Abdel-Khaleq, and Jay R Lund.
Modeling Integrated Water User Decisions in Intermittent Supply Systems
Water Resources Research 43, no. 7 (2007).
Saif, Ibrahim, and Thoraya El-Rayyes.
Labour markets performance and migration flows in Jordan
Sawair, Faleh A, Zaid H Baqain, Iyad Kh Al-Omari, Fouad K Wahab, and Lamis D Rajab.
Effect of Gender on Performance of Undergraduate Dental Students at the University of Jordan, Amman
Journal of dental education 73, no. 11 (2009): 1313-1319.
Shatanawi, M., M. Duqqah, and S. Naber.
Agriculture and irrigation water policies toward improved water conservation in Jordan
5th WASAMED; Options Méditerranéennes, Séries B n. 59.
Malta, May 3-7, 2006.
Shishani, Kawkab.
Cardiovascular Nursing in Jordan: A Need for an Action
TAF-Preventive Medicine Bulletin 9, no. 5 (2010): 523-528.
Tabieh, Mohammad, Amer Salman, Emad Al-Karablieh, Hussein Al-Qudah, and Hazem Al-khatib.
The Residental Water Demand Function in Amman-Zarka Basin in Jordan
Wulfenia Journal 19, no. 11 (2012): 324-333.
Wyss, Max, Stavros Tolis, Philippe Rosset, and Francesco Pacchiani.
Approximate model for worldwide building stock in three size categories of settlements
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