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Journal Article
Iroezindu, Michael O, Eugenia O Ofondu, Harry Hausler, and Brian Van Wyk. "Prevalence and risk factors for opportunistic infections in HIV patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited setting in Nigeria." (2013) Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research.
Journal Article
Rubaihayo, John, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, Joseph Konde-Lule, Henry Wamani, Edith Nakku-Joloba, and Fredrick Makumbi. "Prevalence and Factors Associated with Opportunistic Infections in HIV Positive Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda." International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health 10, no. 1 (2015): 1-13.
Journal Article
Rubaihayo, John, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, and Joseph Konde-Lule. "Trends in Prevalence of Diarrhoea, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Bacterial Pneumonia, Malaria and Geohelminths among HIV Positive Individuals in Uganda." (2015) AIDS Research and Therapy.
Book Section
Kolev, Alexandre, and Nicolas Sirven. "Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Market." (2010) Gender disparities in Africa’s labor markets: a cross-country comparison using standardized survey data.
Working Paper
Andrésson, Daniel, and Simon Leufstedt. "Venezuela och det svarta guldet En fallstudie om oljans påverkan på Venezuelas demokrati." (2011)
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Thapa, Rajshree, Archana Amatya, Durga Prasad Pahari, Kiran Bam, and Sophia M Newman. "Nutritional status and its association with quality of life among people living with HIV attending public anti-retroviral therapy sites of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal." AIDS research and therapy 12, no. 1 (2015): 14.
Thesis or Dissertation
Karuga, Titus Kamau. "Pattern of opportunistic infections and cytological changes in sputum specimen from HIV infected patients at Mbagathi District Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya." Master of Science in Clinical Cytology, Kenyatta University, 2014.
Journal Article
Razafindrakoto, Mireille, Jean-Pierre Cling, Christian Culas, and François Roubaud Roubaud. "Comment la transition économique est-elle vécue et perçue par la population? Analyse de la complémentarité entre approches quantitative et qualitative." (2011) Les Journées de Tam Ð?o 2010.
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Journal Article
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Conference Paper
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Vanobberghen, Fiona, Emilio Letang, Anna Gamell, Dorcas K Mnzava, Diana Faini, Lameck B Luwanda, Herry Mapesi, Kim Mwamelo, George Sikalengo, and Marcel Tanner. "A decade of HIV care in rural Tanzania: Trends in clinical outcomes and impact of clinic optimisation in an open, prospective cohort." PLoS One 12, no. 7 (2017): e0180983.
Book Section
Nordman, Christophe J, Jean-Pierre Cling, Nguy?n H Chí, Mireille Razafindrakoto, and François Roubaud. "Vulnérabilité au travail." (2009) Urbanization and Access to Labour Market in Vietnam: Weight and Characteristics of the Informal Sector .
Journal Article
Culas, Christian, Benoît Massuyeau, Mireille Razafindrakoto, and François Roubaud. "Un état des lieux des conditions de vie des groupes ethniques au Viet Nam : approche économique et socio-anthropologique." (2012) Les Journées de Tam Ðao 2011.
Book Section
Cogneau, Denis, Jean-Christophe Dumont, Peter Glick, Mireille Razafindrakoto, Jean Razafindravonona, Iarivony Randretsa, and Francois Roubaud. "Etudes du Centre de Développement Dépenses d'éducation, de santé et réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique de l'Est Madagascar et Tanzanie: Madagascar et Tanzanie." (2002) Pauvreté, dépenses d'éducation et de santé: le cas de Madagascar.
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Working Paper
Razafindrakoto, Mireille, and Francois Roubaud. "Corruption, institutional discredit, and exclusion of the poor: A poverty trap." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 86 , no. 86 (2007).
Working Paper
Lavallée, Emmanuelle, Mireille Razafindrakoto, and François Roubaud. "Corruption and trust in political institutions in sub-Saharan Africa." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 102 , no. 102 (2008).
Journal Article
Razafindrakoto, Mireille, François Roubaud, and Constance Torelli. "Measuring the informal sector and informal employment: the experience drawn from 1-2-3 surveys in African countries." (2009) African Statistical Journal.
Working Paper
Roubaud, François, Constance Torelli , and Claire Zanuso. "Le Marché du Travail en Haïti après le Séisme: Quelle Place pour les Jeunes?." (2014)
Book Section
Roubaud, François, Mireille Razafindrakoto, H?u Chí Nguy?n, and Jean-Pierre Cling. "Trends of urbanization and suburbanization in Southeast Asia." (2010) Urbanization and access to labour market in Vietnam: Weight and characteristics of the informal sector.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Huu Chi, Christophe J Nordman, and François Roubaud. "Who suffers the penalty?: A panel data analysis of earnings gaps in Vietnam." Journal of Development Studies 49, no. 12 (2013): 1694-1710.
Working Paper
Roubaud, François, Thai Pham Minh, Laure Pasquier-Doumer, Xavier Oudin, and D?t Vu Hoang. "Adjustment of the Vietnamese Labour Market in Time of Economic fluctuations and Structural Changes." (2014) Document de travail UMR DIAL.
Journal Article
Rakotomanana, Faly H, Rachel Ravelosoa, and François Roubaud. "L'enquête 1-2-3 sur le secteur informel et la satisfaction des besoins de ménages dans l'agglomération d'Antananarivo." Statéco , no. 95-96-97 (2000).
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