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Population and Housing Census 2008
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Central Bureau of Statistics, Southern Sudan Commission for Statistics and Evaluation
Created on
Feb 19, 2014
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Sudan. Pharmaceutical Country Profile.
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Abdalla, Adam Adoma, Babiker Idris Babiker, and Salah Mohamed El Awad.
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(2014) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sinnar, Sudan.
Abdalla, Asia Mohamed.
Contribution Of Wood Products To Household And State Economies. A Case Study Of Sennar State. Sudan
Master on Forestry Science, UOFK, 2015.
Abdalla, Ishtiag Faroug.
Socioeconomic Aspects of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture: A Diagnostic Study in Khartoum, Sudan
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Abdelrahim S, Mohammed.
HIV Prevalence and Risk Behaviors of Female Sex Workers in Khartoum, North Sudan
(2010) AIDS.
Abdulbari, Nasredeen.
Identities and citizenship in Sudan: Governing constitutional principles
African Human Rights Law Journal 13, no. 2 (2013): 383-414.
Ahmed, Einas.
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the dynamics of post-conflict political partnership in Sudan
Africa Spectrum 44, no. 3 (2009): 133-147.
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The Socio-Economic and Political Impacts of Youth Bulge: The Case of Sudan
Journal of Social Science Studies 1, no. 2 (2014): 224-235.
Ahmed, Khalid Osman Mahgoub.
Policies Required in the Area of Knowledge Generation in Sudan and its Challenges
(2015) International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research.
Ahmed, Nada Hassan Mohamed.
Oral cancer knowledge, attitudes and practices among dentists in Khartoum State, Sudan
MSc (Dent) in Dental Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2014.
Ahmed, Nur Mohammed Khair, and Zeinab Osman Onsa.
Nutritional Assessment of the Adolescents in the Northern State of Sudan
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 13, no. 2 (2014): 79-87.
Ahmed, Shadia ElAmin Abbas.
Role of the Women’s Forestry Project to Rural Development in Shendi Area (Sudan
Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2014.
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Global Financial Crisis Discussion Series Paper 19: Sudan Phase 2
(2010) Overseas Development Institute, London, UK.
Ali Eissa Bushara, Faiza.
Clean Environment As A Human Right, With Particular Reference To Sudan And India
LL.M. Degree , University of Khartoum, 2015.
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer, and Anne Bartlett.
Occupations under fire: the labour market in a complex emergency
(2015) Oxford Economic Papers.
Assessment of Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement 2005-2007
Master Degree in Development Planning, University of Khartoum, 2015.
Assil, SM, and ZA Zeidan.
Prevalence of depression and associated factors among elderly Sudanese: a household survey in Khartoum State
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 19, no. 5 (2013): 435-440.
Ati, Hassan Abdel, Huda Mohamed Mukhtar, Samia Elnagar, and Lamia Eltigani.
An Update of Reproductive Health, Gender, Population and Development Situation in Sudan, 2011
Atia, Halla Hussain Ahmed.
Prevalence and Risk factors of Cattle Paramphistomiasis in Omdurman locality, Khartoum State, Sudan
Master of Science in Preventive Veterinary Medicine , Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2015.
Attaelmanan, Anwar Yousif, Jiang Hengkun, and Elsadig Musa Ahmed.
Socio-Psychological Impact of the Darfur War on Women and Children
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 19, no. 5 (2014): 697-701.
Awadelkarim, Khalid Dafaallah, Ahmed Abdalla Mohamedani, and Massimo Barberis.
Role of pathology in sub-Saharan Africa: an example from Sudan
(2010) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International.
Ayazi, Touraj, Lars Lien, Arne Henning Eide, Rachel Jenkins, Rita Amok Albino, and Edvard Hauff.
Disability associated with exposure to traumatic events: results from a cross-sectional community survey in South Sudan
BMC public health 13, no. 1 (2013): 1.
Ayazi, Touraj, Lars Lien, Arne Eide, Leslie Swartz, and Edvard Hauff.
Association between exposure to traumatic events and anxiety disorders in a post-conflict setting: a cross-sectional community study in South Sudan
BMC psychiatry 14, no. 1 (2014): 1.
Ayazi, Touraj, Lars Lien, Arne H Eide, Majok Malek Ruom, and Edvard Hauff.
What are the risk factors for the comorbidity of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in a war-affected population? A cross-sectional community study in South Sudan
BMC psychiatry 12, no. 1 (2012): 1.
Bashir, Masarra.
The Impact of Land-use change on the Livelihoods of Rural Communities: A case-study in Edd Al-Fursan Locality, South Darfur, Sudan
Doctor of Natural Science, Technical University of Dresden, 2012.
Bashir, Masarra, and Elmar Csaplovics.
Appling Change Vector Analysis to Detect Vegetation Regeneration and Deforestation in Edd Al Fursan locality, South Darfur, Sudan
Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, University of Bonn, October 5-7, 2011 .
Beber, Bernd, Philip Roessler, and Alexandra Scacco.
Intergroup Violence and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Dividing Sudan
The Journal of Politics 76, no. 03 (2014): 649-665.
Beber, Bernd, Philip Roessler, and Alexandra Scacco.
Violence and Support for Partition: Insights from a New Survey in Sudan
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(2012) University of Bayreuth.
Binnawi, Kamal Hashim, Awad Hassan Mohamed, Balgis Alkhair Alshafae, Zainab Abdalla, Mazin Alsanosi, Hoyda Alnoor, Khalil Ibrahim, and Alsawi Yusif.
Prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment in population aged 50 years and over in North Kordofan State, Sudan
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Binnawi, Kamal Hashim, Awad Hassan Mohamed, Balgis Alkhair Alshafae, Zainab Abdalla, Mazin Alsanosi, Mamoun Mirghani Ahmed, and Fadwa Hashim Binnawi.
Prevalence and causes of blindness: Results from the rapid assessment of avoidable blindness survey in gezira state, sudan
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Bose, Peter Alan.
US foreign policy and genocide in Sudan
Master of Arts in Security Studies , Georgetown University, 2009.
Butzer, Christina.
The second-class citizens of Sudan
Doctor of Philosophy, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2011.
Crowther, Naomi, Keisuke Okamura, Chandni Raja, David Rinnert, Ella Spencer, and Alexander Hamilton.
Inequalities in Public Services in the Sudan
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Sudan’s 2010 National Elections
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Dahab, Muhammed Ali Hassan, and Dafalla Siddig Dafalla Wadi.
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Injuries in Khartoum State, Sudan. Magnitude, consequences and healthcare utilization: a community-based survey
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Bergen, 2014.
El Tayeb, Sally, Safa Abdalla, Ivar Heuch, and Graziella Van den Bergh.
Socioeconomic and disability consequences of injuries in the Sudan: a community-based survey in Khartoum State
Injury prevention 21, no. e1 (2015): e56-e62.
El Tayeb, Sally, Safa Abdalla, Odd Mørkve, Ivar Heuch, and Graziella Van den Bergh.
Injuries in Khartoum State, the Sudan: A Household Survey of Incidence and Risk Factors
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 21, no. 2 (2014): 144-153.
El-Tayeb Alyn, Hadyiat, Andrea Vermehren, Annika Kjellgren, Endashaw Tadesse, and Christina Jones-Pauly.
Sudan Social Safety Net Assessment
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Evolution of urban heat island in Khartoum
International Journal of Climatology 31, no. 9 (2011): 1377-1388.
Elamin, Abbas Elsir M, Mr Fadelmola M Elnour, and Mr Abdelhameed M Magboul.
Enabling Policy for Pearl Millet Value Chain and Marketing Opportunities in Sudan
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Impact Of Land Use Changes On Vegetation Cover And Sustainable Livelihoods Along The Banks Of Niles At Khartoum State, Sudan
Master of Science, University of Khartoum, 2015.
Elfaig, Ahmed H, and Ibrahim M Eltom.
Rainfall Variability in Elkhuwei Area, Northern Kordofan-Western Sudan (1970-2010)
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Elhag, Abdel Rahim, Ranya Fadlalla Abdalla Elsheikh, and Salaheldin Fathelrhman Abdelradi.
Investigation on the Impact and Spread of Mesquite in Tokar Delta Using (GIS) Technique
International Journal of Engineering Inventions 5, no. 1 (2015): 20-25.
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Elmardi, Khalid A, Abdisalan M Noor, Sophie Githinji, Tareg M Abdelgadir, ElFatih M Malik, and Robert W Snow.
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Elmubarak Omer, Gamal.
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LL.M. , UOFK, 2015.
Elnour, Fadelmola M, Elkhalil EB Ahmed, Abbas EM Elamin, and Adam M Ali.
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(2014) NAF International Working Paper Series.
Elsheikh, Abdalla Eltom Mohamed, Khalid Elsir Ahmed Nayl, Khalid Abdelrahman Elsayed Zeinelabdein, and Ibrahim Ahmed Ali Babikir.
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Science and Technology 1, no. 4 (2014): 187-193.
Elyas Mohammed, Asma.
Assessment of the Role of El Ain Reserved Forest as Natural Rangelands, North Kordofan State, Sudan
Master of Science in Forestry, UOFK, 2015.
Elzubir, Reem Abd Elfatah Ahmed.
Prevalence and Risk factors of Bovine Paramphistomiasis in Khartoum Bahri locality, Khartoum State, Sudan
Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Sudan Uiversity of Science and Technology, 2015.
Enan, Khalid A, Takeshi Nabeshima, Toru Kubo, Corazon C Buerano, Abdel Rahim M El Hussein, Isam M Elkhidir, Eltahir AG Khalil, and Kouichi Morita.
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Studies on malaria in kordofan prevalence and molecular differentiation of the vector and parasite
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology ( Molecular Biology), University of Khartoum, 2012.
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Gorsevski, Virginia, Eric Kasischke, Jan Dempewolf, Tatiana Loboda, and Falk Grossmann.
Analysis of the Impacts of armed conflict on the Eastern Afromontane forest region on the South Sudan—Uganda border using multitemporal Landsat imagery
(2012) Remote Sensing of Environment.
Guarcello, Lorenzo, S Lyon, and FC Rosati.
Labour Market in South Sudan
(2011) Understanding Children’s Work Programme Working Paper.
Gubbins, Paul, and Damien De Walque.
Maternal & Child Health in Sudan
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Hamilton, Alexander, and JR Hudson.
Bribery and identification: Evidence from Sudan
(2014) Bath Economics Research Papers.
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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 20, no. 1 (2014): 33-38.
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Does it really matter whether food is produced and provided by a man or awoman?
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The impact of Macroeconomic Policy on Poverty in Sudan
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Idris, AKM, EZ Elsamani, and AEA Elnasri.
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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 21, no. 4 (2015): 273-279.
Idris, Modather Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh.
Assessment of infection control in public dental clinics in Khartoum State, Sudan
MSc (Dent) in Dental Public Health, University of the Western Cape , 2012.
Idris K, Almutaz.
Factors influencing access and utilization of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in Sudan
Master of Public Health, KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)/ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012.
Jamie, Faiz Omar Mohammad.
Gender and Migration in Africa: Female Ethiopian Migration in Post-2008 Sudan
Journal of Politics and Law 6, no. 1 (2013): 186-192.
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Inequality in Human Development between Sudan States
International Journal of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities 3, no. 1 (2015): 18-26.
Kheder, Salah Ibrahim, and Hassan Mohamed Ali.
Evaluating medicines prices, availability, affordability and price components in Sudan
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Description and Assessment of Land Cover Changes in Relation to Climatic Conditions and Socioeconomic Activities in Semi-arid Areas of North Kordofan State, Sudan
University of Kordofan Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies 1, no. 2 (2015): 20-38.
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Sudan: Peace or war, unity or secession?
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Iodized salt consumption in Sudan: present status and future directions
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 30, no. 4 (2012): 431-438.
Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, Noha Mohammed Fadl Mohammed, Fatima Omer Nabag, and Alfatih Ahmed Hassan.
Ethnobotanical study of three trees: indigenous knowledge on trees used as cosmetic in Khartoum state, Sudan
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology 4, no. 4 (2014): 178-182.
Mbabazi, William, Anthony K Lako, Daniel Ngemera, Richard Laku, Mostafah Yehia, and Nathan Nshakira.
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The Role Of Forestry Extension In Raising Standard Of Living And Alleviate Poverty. Case Of Eloudaya Adminstrative Unit, Sudan
Master of Science (Forestry), University of Khartoum, 2015.
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Wealth Inequality, Conflict and Population Health in Sudan
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Saving the lives of mothers and children: rising to the challenge in Sudan
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An Implementation Study of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan
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Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan-South Sudan border
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Under-five mortality estimates for Sudan and South Sudan
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Land grabbing along livestock migration routes in Gadarif State, Sudan
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The state of heart disease in Sudan
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Thowiba, Elawad H, A M Alsamani, and K M Kheiralla.
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Prevalence of Depression and Associated Factors among Sudanese Elderly: Ahousehold Survey
(2015) University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan .
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