This file contains data at the teacher level and corresponds to the EQUIP-T IE baseline teacher interview, teacher development needs assessment (TDNA) and head teacher (for teacher roster variables) questionnaires (EQUIP-T IE teacher interview (TI), EQUIP-T IE teacher development needs assessment (TDNA) and EQUIP-T IE head teacher (HT)). It also contains some variables from the front cover of the questionnaires, strata, survey weights and treatment status variables, and constructed indicators for teacher TDNA scores by core curriculum topic (prefixed by n_). For more information see EQUIP-T IE PLA and TDNA questionnaires summary (final) under External Resources.
Teachers were sampled for the interviews and TDNAs whereas the teacher roster is a census of all teachers at the school. For analysis of teachers in the treatment group, the teacher weights included in this dataset should be used. Note that there are no survey weights for teachers in the control group (see Weighting and Representativeness sub-sections in the Sampling section).
Names of districts, schools and teachers have been removed in the anonymisation process.
Cases: | 2145 |
Variables: | 147 |